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  1. wifeyschlegel

    Mystery chicks

    TS had these listed as New Hampshires, I'm leaning towards Jersey Giants.. That big one though, I have no idea, I'm assuming a mix of some kind but any thoughts? Pics in comments
  2. wifeyschlegel

    Baby chicks and rainy weathe

    The chicken coop is finally finished! The run is not, but the chicks are currently in a large dog crate and could definitely use the extra space the coop will allow. I was hoping to move them to the coop today but it's a rainy cool day(65 degrees, not too cold). Is it fine if I move them out...
  3. wifeyschlegel

    Nesting boxes now or later?

    When I move my chicks into the coop do I need to have the nesting boxes already in there so they can get used to them(I'm pretty sure I read somewhere they need to be unusable until laying age, if so how do I go about doing that?), or can I add the nesting boxes later when they get to laying age?
  4. wifeyschlegel

    It's time to play.. Pullet or Roo?!? (Barred Rock)

    The chick in question is only 2-3 weeks old so I'm pretty sure it's way too early to tell but I'm being impatient since a friend told me she thinks it's a roo.. She/he was the first to roost and is always finding the highest roosts, I have no idea if that makes a difference or not. She/he is my...
  5. wifeyschlegel

    How much did you spend on your DIY coop?

    We just bought all the material to build our coop and my husband thought it would cost less, so I'm just curious if we overspent or if it was a normal amount($550ish). We didn't have any access to free/cheap lumber so we had to buy it all..
  6. wifeyschlegel

    Puppy with roundworm

    We got a puppy on Monday night, as soon as we got him home realized he had roundworms, took him to the vet Tuesday morning and got him on medication(they gave one dose and sent me home with 3 more once a week doses). He hasn't pooped in about 12 hours now, he hasn't eaten much either, just a...
  7. wifeyschlegel

    Is the brooder really big enough?

    Brand new to raising chickens, just got 4 chicks on Saturday. We are currently using a large dog crate as a brooder. They have plenty of space now but I'm assuming they'll need more soon(before they're ready to move to the outdoor coop).. I've been looking around and have seen lots of brooder...
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