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  1. southernbound13

    Free Blue Wyandotte Roo in Houston Woodlands Area

    Hey guys! My sister in laws hen turned out to be a roo and shes looking to rehome him. Absolutely free. Hes 4-5 months old.
  2. southernbound13

    New Coop!!

    New Coop!! My entire outside flock got taken by a cougar (caught it on trail cam) so I knew that full time free ranging days were over and I'd need a good coop for the pullets in my garage. The coop is in the barn. Its 10X6 ft (not counting the egg box), the wired area has chicken wire on the...
  3. southernbound13

    Attention Wyandotte Eggsperts!

    Hey! Questions for people who routinely raise wyandottes, is there any fairly reliable way to sex them (other than vent sexing) at hatch? Does feather sexing work for them? Do boys tend to have different markings? I ask because a breeder is willing to sell us two wyandottes to give our broody...
  4. southernbound13

    The cock that lays eggs... intersex chicken?

    Ok so this is going to sound nuts and if I'm incredibly stupid please forgive me. So last summer our hen went broody and sat on 4 eggs, two of her own and two of our RIR. To our disappointment every single one appeared to be a cock. They all developed red, large combs early and before long they...
  5. southernbound13

    Yes. It's another pasty butt question.

    I know. I know. Every day theres a new thread. I've read them all and I'm keeping her bum clean and all that. My problem is that she struggles SO MUCH. No matter how gentle I am she acts like I'm killing her the entire time and it takes sooo long every time. I've never encountered this...
  6. southernbound13

    New Peepers from Meyers are here!!

    I am absolutely beside myself! I've raised probably close to 100 chickens in my life but never done mail order. This year I really wanted to try some new breeds after a rogue neighbor dog devastated our flock so i ordered from Meyers. I was so nervous that I would open a box to find dead or...
  7. southernbound13

    Feed store mystery hen

    Hi all! This is a hen we got at the fefeed store this spring. They had no idea what she is and now that shes grown neither do we. We originally thought a rhode island red but now her feathers have developed a lovely place so definitely not that. Any ideas?
  8. southernbound13

    Help identify mystery bachelor

    Hello! A couple of years ago a juvenile roo wandered into our barn and decided he lived there. He's become the flock favorite and is quite the handsome fellow so we're dying to know what he may be! Any ideas? Bonus points if anyone has any suggestions on the breed of the little dark chick in the...
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