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  1. dashman1319

    Did I just get attacked by one of my Welsummer pullets?

    Hi all, So this feels like a new one, for me anyway. I have a mixed age group of mainly ~5 month old hens/roosters. I've raised Welsummers before and have them found them to be inquisitive, flighty, and sometimes rather nervous. I have two Welsummer hens in this group. One of them has been...
  2. dashman1319

    A visiting turkey hen

    It's been an interesting morning in my backyard. I heard a commotion and looked out and saw an eastern turkey hen strutting around and trying to inspect my flock. The chickens reacted as I'd have expected - the hens gathered up behind a large bush and took up the warning call, and the rooster...
  3. dashman1319

    Just how useful is a rooster anyway?

    Hi all, I've posted a few times about my back and forth thinking regarding keeping a rooster that showed up in our first order of sexed chicks. We ended up with four hens and a RIR rooster. There were a lot of up and down moments, but in the end our observation seemed to be that our little...
  4. dashman1319

    Free range chickens and patios - can they ever coexist?

    Hey all, Over the past several months I've really loved watching our little free-range flock of four hens and a rooster explore our property. There's a great combination of forest, pasture, and and shrubby spots, and plenty of cover all over. There's just one problem. Despite having 3.5 acres...
  5. dashman1319

    Oh no...frost bitten comb! Please help!

    Hi all, I just walked out to check on my chickens in their snowed in coop and was surprised and upset to find that one appears to have pretty advanced frostbite on her comb. We've had a lot of sudden snow and though I thought their coop was free of drafts I may have been wrong. It's also been...
  6. dashman1319

    Artificial lighting and hen longevity

    Hi all, Our girls have grown and matured beautifully, and from the information I've been able to learn from these forums, I feel like at least one or two of them are at egg-laying age! They've got deep red combs, they sometimes squat submissively when I reach for them, and they just look like...
  7. dashman1319

    Spent brewing grains for chickens

    Hey all, I just finished a batch of homebrew, after which I find myself with about 10 pounds of spent grains. Instead of just tossing them in the compost, I spooned a bit out for the chickens (still hot) and they went crazy for it. Essentially, the grains you'd find in a homebrew are just...
  8. dashman1319

    Feed selection and winter egg-laying

    Hi all, I'd love some input regarding laying expectations and feed selection for my new flock. We've got 4 hens (1 RIR, 2 barred rocks, 1 welsummer) who are just five months old today - they were delivered back in July. They were fed on grower feed exclusively through about October. Around...
  9. dashman1319

    Some advice on possibly culling my first cockerel.

    Hi all, Just over five months ago we ordered our first little flock. Although we ordered sexed females, I guess sexing is more of an art than a science. After about three months, it became clear that one of our RIRs, Courtney Love, was in fact a rooster. Until recently, he lived just fine with...
  10. dashman1319

    3 weeks in, first post, and yet another question about moving chicks outdoors!

    Hi all. This website has been crucial for me the past month as I prepared for and spent my first three weeks with my new flock of five hens. I received two Barred Rocks, two Rhode Island Reds, and one Welsummer in the mail and from a book or two and the posts on these forums, we've kept them...
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