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    Calling all Silkie experts

    2 or 3 months old. Seller could not remember which hatch this one came from. Guesses on whether male or female?

    UPDATE...1 year after first flock purchase

    Our first flock. See the post below from coop construction to growth of our 10 original bantam chicks. 1 year-ish update: So my daughters deciding to trade my favorite white frizzle (ended up being a roo) for a little bantam Easter egger. We...

    What gender is this bantam. 7 weeks

    This is an gray bantam Easter egger crossed with either black silkie rooster or black frizzle cochin bantam rooster. Light skin...dark feet and 4 toes. Guesses on gender and also likely father?

    Easter egger bantam cross chick. Guesses on gender?

    So I know the mom is a gray Easter egger or aracauna bantam and the father is either a black silkie or black frizzle cochin bantam. It has 4 toes. Dark legs but light colored skin. Any guesses on gender? Hours old 4 weeks old 7 weeks old

    Bantam crosses. Progressive pictures.

    This one has a black silkie father and I believe a bantam dark brahma mama. It has dark skin and dark legs and 5 toes. Hours old Roughly 3 to 4 weeks Roughly 6 weeks

    12 week old silkies

    Pretty sure #1 is a cockerel. Not sure about the other. #1 #2

    Pictures that tell a story. What crazy stories could you come up with?

    Every feel like you are being watched? Ha. Maybe so. Apparently we are apart of the new TV show featured on the food network and this cats parents just installed a television for him. Could try to blend in and see if he gets bored with this TV station. We are going incognito for this...

    8 week white frizzle. Still looking like roo?

    I posted this little guy at 4 weeks. I got feedback that it looked like cockerel. Does he still look that way? White frizzle cochin bantam at 8 weeks old.

    calling all silkie experts. 8 weeks old

    I realize it is too early but for those that want to give a shot at guessing. I can try to post results when i know for sure as it gets older. Im guessing roo because my other silkie (hatched same day, but different color) does not have the wattles at all. (of course i don't know on that one...

    8 week light brahma gender

    Is it still too early to tell?

    Dark brahma gender

    8 week old dark brahma

    I'm stumped! Calling all brahma bantam experts!

    The dark brahma on the bottom of roost I was thinking is a roo? Is there any way to know at 7 weeks old going on 8 weeks? Would they be done with the juvenile molt to know if the penciling is going to stay or not? I also have a dark brahma on the top row in the back. The coloring is a little...

    Our first flock. And our journey so far.

    So to start things off, my 5 year old daughter wanted chickens. She would spend all day and she would collect all kinds of cardboard and tape and construct a house for her chicks. It included windows, table and chair, toilet area, a rug, miniature pictures she drew to put on the walls of their...

    Guesses on sex for these? 5 week old chicks

    #1 golden laced cochin bantam Hen or roo? #2 light brahma bantam Hen or roo?

    4 week old White frizzle cochin bantam, roo or pullet?

    I have this 4 week old white frizzle cochin bantam. It feathered very quickly compared to my black frizzle so i was thinking it was a pullet. By the wing feathers at a 4 days old it looked like it could be a pullet. But now I'm thinking roo. what are your guesses?
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