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  1. pippi_smiles

    question on pinless peepers/misbehaving hens

    My girls will not stop pecking each other and the rooster. They peck out feathers and eat them and cause injuries once the skin is bare. I believe it is a space problem, but until I have the money to purchase more fencing and lumber I have bought some pinless peepers. Anyone have experience with...
  2. pippi_smiles

    ADVICE?: Chicken saddles. Pecking/mating injuries

    Soooo, a few of my girls are missing feathers and some even have scratches. Until we can get them more room to roam this spring, I'm trying to make them chicken saddles. Only one problem...they keep taking them off. Anyone one ever heard of putting an elastic band across the bottom too? Or even...
  3. pippi_smiles

    parrot chicken? lol

    Just ran across this old picture from this summer when the chickens weren't laying yet. I think Goldie thought she was a parrot! AAARR pirate Pippi with her parrot chicken! Believe it or not she would jump up there all by herself. She doesn't do it anymore though.
  4. pippi_smiles

    Winter weather frozen fog

    This morning we had some super foggy winter weather. Took some neat pictures of it. The dangling frozen pine needles through the hardwire ceiling look like shag carpet lol! Pretty neat what frozen condensation looks like.
  5. pippi_smiles

    More chickens injured/pecked/bleeding. Need help

    Well it's been over a month since my rooster was injured. Now some of the hens have injuries too. After talking to someone at TSC, we bought a flock block and blu-kote. Although it is not blue its bright purple. I sprayed it on everyone with boo boos and hoping for the best. I can't separate...
  6. pippi_smiles

    My hen broke her nail and is bleeding.

    So when I went out to water the flock this morning, I found one of my rhode island reds had broke her nail off right to the quick. I took her inside and cleaned her foot and used cornstarch to stop it from bleeding. Then I returned her to the flock. Went back out a couple hours later and she was...
  7. pippi_smiles

    brown spots on eggs?

    I have notices that sometimes my eggs have brownish red spots on them. You can scrub them off when you wash them. What does this mean? worms? or extra bloom?
  8. pippi_smiles

    Chicken jungle jim

    Made this cool jungle jim for my flock out of limbs off the property
  9. pippi_smiles

    My black Australorp rooster has a dime size open wound on his back

    Found Gilbert my black rooster with a wound a few days back. Not sure how it happened, unless he and Big Red got into it. He's my other roo. The girls wouldn't leave it alone. We put a dog crate inside the coop with his own food and water. I cleaned it the best I could and applied local honey...
  10. pippi_smiles

    New chicken mom

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? We had 3 chickens when we lived town. Now we live in the country and have 2 roosters and 15 hens (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 17 (3) What breeds do you have? Orpington Buffs, Rhode Island Reds, and Black Australorps...
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