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  1. J

    help figuring out an malformed egg issue?

    Dear BYC folks: One of my chickens laid this egg today. Any insight into what could have caused this? The deformity is at the tip. It's a little smaller than usual, and the deformity at the tip is hard calcium--it's not soft. Looks almost like a little swirl on top of the egg. No obvious health...
  2. J

    sexing help

    good folks of the Backyard Chicken Forums! I was hoping that I could get some help sexing my two month old chickens. I have eight. Pretty sure the white one with the prominent comb is a rooster. Otherwise, hard to say. Any ideas? There's a RIR, a white cochin, a buff Brahma, a black Australorp...
  3. J

    mysterious chicken death (9 month old buff orpington): ideas?

    Dear BYC folks: Went out tonight to do the chores and found one of my Buffs dead on the floor of the coop. I examined her body; no visible signs of injury. Looked down her throat, couldn't see anything. One thing that seemed maybe slightly off was her cloacal area, which I have included a...
  4. J

    will a mild splay leg resolve itself?

    Hello all! I just hatched four Speckled Sussex chicks. Three are doing great, but the fourth has a mild case of what I believe to be splay leg. Hatched later than the others (about a day after) and has some mild balance/walking issues--sometimes falls down, and when it sits, its leg is slightly...
  5. J

    friend saw this loose chicken--what breed is it?

    Friend found this little lady wandering in the street--any idea what breed she is?
  6. J

    hello from upstate NY!

    Hey folks! I'm excited to join BYC; had chickens when I was young and in 4-H (Orps! and one beautiful little Sebring). Just bought a house with a chicken coop in the backyard and am excited to have chickens again--15 years later! Hoping to start a small (4-6) backyard flock this spring. Would...
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