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  1. NHMountainMan

    Stopped using nest boxes?

    I have 4 reliably laying pullets - a RSL, a Bresse, a Whiting true blue and an Easter Egger. Since the days started lengthening they have started laying. Only the RSL was laying in the fall. For the first few weeks of laying, the EE and the WTB have stated laying on the coop floor, no longer...
  2. NHMountainMan

    Cockerel behavior

    As I continue to try to figure out these interesting creatures, I have a few (more) cockerel / rooster behavior questions. Background" In the attached photo, my Liege Fighter (Hulk - foreground) and my Flarry Eyed Grey (Flash - to the right) are both about 7 months old. Over the past two...
  3. NHMountainMan

    Seeking Dog Advise

    We presently have a Great Pyrenees / Greater Swiss Mountain Dog mix - he's 8. We lost his big brother about 6 months ago at 12.5 years old. Our remaining dog, Titan, has absurd LGD traits that have shown up since he's been the only dog. So far - he's scared off raptors and coyotes. The issue...
  4. NHMountainMan

    Chicken waste for compost question

    One of the reasons I started with chickens was to get free fertilizer for my raised bed veggie garden. Looking for fertilizer advice. Last fall, I started dumping the buckets of chicken poop directly on top of the soil in my raised beds. I also grew a small cover crop of buckwheat. In the...
  5. NHMountainMan

    Landscape timbers for coop?

    Several years ago, I came into a very large quantity of used landscape timbers that had been previously used by the state highway department to support guardrails. They were going to be discarded, so I took them. I have used them to build a raised bed garden - see the attached picture for an...
  6. NHMountainMan

    Do they remember?

    What do you think - do your chickens remember you? Several months ago, I traded a few extra pullets and a cockerel with a neighbor, who lost a lot of birds to a bobcat. This morning I stopped by, and as soon as I got out of my truck, the cockerel came running. Perhaps 100 yards. I thought...
  7. NHMountainMan

    Help with timing of chick deliveries

    I'm trying to place my orders for Spring deliveries, with chicks coming from 3 different hatcheries. I'm looking for some help with how quickly I can move chicks from the brooder to their unheated coop or tractor. Working from our last frost date of May 22, I wouldn't move any chicks outside...
  8. NHMountainMan

    Apparently my wife thinks....

    My wife gave me this T-shirt for Xmas. Apparently she thinks that I struggle with chicken math
  9. NHMountainMan

    Injured pullet advice?

    Background: My whiting true blue pullet is limping. She's isolated herself by hiding and sleeping in the nest box. She's stayed in the coop when the rest of the flock was outside. I think she been eating and drinking when she's alone in the coop. With holiday guests etc I haven't really had a...
  10. NHMountainMan

    Time's up? Cook the cockerels?

    I have 7 pullets in 1 coop, and 4 cockerels in a separate coop, about 200 ft apart. I have let them mingle during the day, and until last night, they went home to roost in the correct coop. It was really cold the past few nights, and last night wind was blowing steady in the 30's with gusts in...
  11. NHMountainMan

    Source for Rangers / CornishX Chicks

    Any recommendations on where to order Rangers (and variety...there seem to be a ton), and also CornishX. Want to get me spring order in before I forget once the holiday food coma kick in. Thanks
  12. NHMountainMan

    Donating surplus to food kitchens?

    In another thread @drumstick diva (I think) mentioned donating surplus eggs to charity. Does anyone have issues donating their surplus? I'm planning on raising surplus meat chickens for a local food kitchen. It was difficult to find anyone to accept home reared chickens unless they were...
  13. NHMountainMan

    Eggshell lining issue

    I have a 22 week old whiting true green that's been laying roughly every other day. I know she's young and it will be some time before she regulates. The issue is that when cracking open her eggs, the lining will not crack open. The eggshell peels off the lining, and I need to break horn the...
  14. NHMountainMan

    Snow impacting laying behavior?

    We've had about a foot of snow - no big deal compared to many parts of the northeast. But it's been snowing on and off for about 48 hours. The chickens have been out of the coop, in the run, and don't seem to mind the snow (but went into the coop when the wind kicked up). I haven't let them...
  15. NHMountainMan

    Chicken in featured thread?

    In the featured thread "dealing with rats" there is a pic used with a chicken holding a mouse in its break. Does anyone know what breed of chicken is in the picture? Very cool looking I asked within that thread but there are so many posts that my question disappeared - Thanks
  16. NHMountainMan

    Hock injury , advice needed

    I was out changing the frozen outdoor water with a fresh water when my dog went bonkers. We timed it right - there was a long tailed weasel inside the electric netting - it ran away at his barking. So - I need to look at the electric charge going on. I did a headcount and no one is missing...
  17. NHMountainMan

    Comb frostbite / common sense?

    Temps were in low single digits last night, and wind chills were -20+. All good with the coop - never got below 14. When I let the chickens range yesterday, I really enjoyed watching their first reaction to seeing snow. The Alpha hen loves the dog - who was bouncing around and rolling in the...
  18. NHMountainMan

    Protein in eggs - Dietitian? / diet question?

    I know that you can boost Omega 3 in eggs with special feed or adding flaxseed to their diet. I'm in need of a high protein diet. Details / background of my health challenges are in my profile. Does anyone know of a way to safely increase the protein in eggs? Avg. large egg has 6 grams of...
  19. NHMountainMan

    Yee ha - Winter is here! Question about water

    We were supposed to get light snow, but ended up with freezing rain and a thin coating of ice. I was looking forward to seeing how the chickens would react to snow cover (look like I'll need to wait until Monday now!). Yup - I'm a cold weather fan. Who doesn't love watching a puppy's first...
  20. NHMountainMan

    Newbie Egg Questions

    Hi BYC Gang - I've got a few egg questions - i look forward to your advice. Egg safety - I've read the countless opinions on bloom, cleaning and refrigeration. I've opted to leave them on the counter. The question -- do I need to wash them before cracking them? Seems like if there is a risk...
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