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  1. Bellagarliepp

    Head wound

    Hi guys, I need some advice. We have 11 chickens 6 adults fully grown and 5 almost 5 months old. They have been getting along free ranging, they would all hang out together no problems. Night before last was the first night they all slept in the same coop. Went out to let them out the next...
  2. Bellagarliepp

    Upcycle recycle

    This playhouse was here when we moved in. I have been trying to figure something out to reuse it. I don’t have dimensions yet...need to find a tape measure. But do you think that it could house 6 chickens? Also any tips for making is a nice cute chicken coop would be awesome!
  3. Bellagarliepp

    Everyone’s favorite question

    All hens? Could I be lucky? There are 6 different chickies.
  4. Bellagarliepp

    Runny dropping

    so some of my chicks will have runny poop randomly. I’ve spent a lot of time trying to figure out if it was just one chick or not. But it’s all Of them and not every time it’s super random. I did just switch their food but I mixed their old food in with the new stuff for a week first. How...
  5. Bellagarliepp

    Comb normal?

    Hey everyone I have a quick question, my silver laced wyandotte’s comb isn’t as big as the others she is about 3 weeks old. She has like one point at the top.My barred rock is the same age and hers is growing. My buff Orpington is a week younger and even her comb seems to look better. These are...
  6. Bellagarliepp

    New mom

    New chick momma just got four chicks. 2 Rhodes island reds 1 barred rock and 1 silver Wyandotte. Very excited to watch them grow, and learn more about raising chicks from everyone. (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? First time with chickens (2) How many chickens...
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