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  1. F

    Cockerel with balance issue

    Salt (3 months old) is having issues with standing and walking. He is off balance and wobbly. We have separated him the girls. They're all fine. He is eating, drinking and 💩 we are thinking he has injured himself or has a neurological issue. Any thoughts? We don't want to put him down unless we...
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    Barred Plymouth Rock - Rooster?

    So... this young one, Salt is 3 months old. Definitely the biggest of my flock. The comb and waddle is bigger than the other's. I've also included a picture of Pepper. Is it true that Barred Plymouth Rock roosters tend to be more docile?
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    Sold as a Bielefelder

    My two girls have some crazy feathers on top of their heads... I'm sure they're mixed with something but don't know enough about different chicken breeds. They have been very timid/skittish with me since I got them in February. They're good with the other girl's, RIR, Blue Andalusian, Olive...
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    Disease or is this the norm? I need some advice.

    Today I found one of my hens (Carol) dead in the coop. This summer we have lost 5 hens including Carol. One of them my husband performed an autopsy on and she was egg bound. Our girls are three yrs. old. Of the 5 - 2 definitely passed away from being egg bound, 2 - I don't know why & one...
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    Egg bound?

    please tell me is this possible if my chicken is egg bound? She is eating, drinking... but she isn't well. I checked where I believe the eggs come out, but, I don't know if I feel anything. What I've read is that an egg bound chicken can't poop. Is this true? And she is just sick?
  6. F


    Yesterday one of my RIR went after one of my brown leghorn. See the photo of her injury. I was able to clean it up. I'm just wondering if there is anything else I need to do? I'm also attaching a picture of how it looks today. Thanks!
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    Rhode Island Red shot out egg

    This evening while we had our girls out, one of our RIR squatted & out came a shell-less egg. We have found the inside of eggs from time to time in the laying boxes, but never witnessed this before. She will be 2 in July. Is this normal or should I be concerned? Thank you!
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    Broodie Silkie no rooster

    Our Silkie - Babs goes broody often. In the past we have used the confinement way to "break" her. It has been well over 21 days & she continues to hang out in the coop. Sometimes she is sitting on a egg (we have 2 silkies housed together) & sometimes there is nothing under her. She will let us...
  9. F

    Leghorn laying brown egg?

    We have 9 chickens. 5 - RIR, 2 Leghorns & 2 Americanas (not the true Ameraucana) Currently one of my Leghorns is in timeout because she is broody & we are trying to break her. Here is what I'm confused about... today we got 8 eggs total, 6 brown & 2 white - 1 of the white has a slight pinkish...
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