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  • Users: GRacer3648
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  1. GRacer3648


    I was wondering if adult Toms get frostbite on their faces and snoods in the winter. It's been in the 10s this week and in the negatives at night (Fahrenheit). I'm worried that my tom's face will get too cold. This morning the tip of his snood was white but it turned red after a few minutes. Any...
  2. GRacer3648


    I am located in New England and recently it has been dropping below 10 degrees at night. My white leghorn rooster (hatched this spring) has been getting very bad frostbite on his comb. Being leghorns, they have very large combs. Yesterday when I was checking on the flock I noticed he was...
  3. GRacer3648

    New Geese

    Recently I've been looking into getting another pair of geese. I currently have 2 pairs of Toulouse geese. I wanted to get a different breed that is very friendly and good for many things. Any suggestions? I live in New England and it gets pretty cold. Any help is appreciated.
  4. GRacer3648

    Runaway Turkey

    At about sundown a neighbor's dog got loose and chased some of my turkeys into a nearby woods. Two of the 3 came back within thirty mins. The last one hasn't come back for 4-5 hours. I went out looking for him for an hour and 30 mins before I decided to look again in the morning. I live in a set...
  5. GRacer3648

    Turkey with cracked beak

    My blue slate hen recently formed a minor crack in her beak. Today when I was putting her away for the night I noticed it the crack had grown and was going down the middle and continued up her face as well. I brought her inside and out her in a brooder while I figure out what to do. I'm going to...
  6. GRacer3648

    Green Mallard Eggs?

    I hatched a single mallard this summer. She is an adult and lives currently with my Welsh Harlequins. I just packaged all of my eggs for the week and noticed that there were some green duck eggs. I've only gotten a few so far. Are they coming from my mallard? This is my first female mallard, my...
  7. GRacer3648

    Double yolk in Incubator

    Hello! I just started an incubation earlier this week and wanted to see how far they had come. When I picked up the first egg I saw that 2 ducks were developing inside. This has never happened before and I usually try not to put the extra large eggs in my incubator. However, This wasn't an egg...
  8. GRacer3648

    Sick Gosling??

    I had 4 goslings hatch on 6/24/2020 I was away while they were hatching for a few days and they stayed with their parents in an enclosed area with access to water and food. When I got back home, one of the goslings had died from unknown causes. We moved the other 3 inside to a brooder with...
  9. GRacer3648

    Eye Infection??

    Hello, my female Pekin duck has had a foamy looking eye for a couple weeks. She is starting to lose the feathers around her eyes and her skin is looking pinkish. I brought her inside so I could monitor her. In her coop outside she had access to a deep water dish. Is there something I could put...
  10. GRacer3648

    How to keep ducklings dry?

    I have 31 newly hatched ducklings living in a large brooder. They always manage to get the entire brooder soaked through the pine shavings I use as bedding. I've tried the pan method with my month-old ducks and it worked pretty well. However, I'm not sure what to use for these ones. Any tips?
  11. GRacer3648

    Can't tell if duck is breathing

    Right now I am hatching Rouen ducks. Two are in zippers and 1 has already hatched, the other ones haven't pipped yet. I just checked on them and I can't tell if the 2 in zippers are breathing. They have been in this position for most of the day. I know its risky to help a hatching egg but, do...
  12. GRacer3648

    Choking Duck? HELP!!!

    My duckling is about 1 month old. recently I noticed that it stopped quaking and couldn't balance. When I pick it up it moves it's head a lot, mostly in circles and its leg up and down. Does anyone know what's going on?
  13. GRacer3648

    Limping Duck

    Hello, I recently added a juvenile mallard duck into my flock of chickens, turkeys, geese, and some other ducks. My other drake and hen don't interact with my new ducks because they can be rather mean. The 2 new ones stay in the cooper at night with all of the other birds (except the ducks)...
  14. GRacer3648

    Female Guinea Disappears in Woods

    Hi, a couple weeks ago, my only female Guinea fowl disappeared. At first I thought she had been taken by a predator, but I hear her communicating to the others in the flock almost every day. I've tried to locate her but, the forest she is in is very dense. Does anyone know why she would stay in...
  15. GRacer3648

    Young Chicken With Swollen Eye - Help

    Hello, recently I ordered some breeding chickens from My Pet Chicken. Currently, they are just over 3 weeks old. One of the males I got, a Light Brahma, has a swollen eye. I've used some Saline to hopefully flush it out but, it hasn't worked. Today I opened his eye a little and some clear fluid...
  16. GRacer3648

    6 Mixed Breed Chicks

    These items have been sold
  17. GRacer3648

    Need new Incubator, any recommendations?

    Hi, I'm in the market for a second incubator. I have all sorts of birds and I need advice on another incubator. Right now I have the Brinsea Eco Octagon and it is working great. I am looking for a second one to do double the eggs and was wondering if any of you had good results with a different...
  18. GRacer3648


    Hi, I have had chickens since as far as I can remember. I first got them when I was 3 years old and have had a variety of breeds ever since. Right now I have 15ish adults and 29 3-month old chicks. I have a mix of olive and easter eggers, silver laced wyandottes, porcilain d'uccles, and brown...
  19. GRacer3648

    duck pipped over 36 hours ago, no proggress, intervene?

    Hi, I accidentally mixed a duck egg in with a batch of chicken eggs. I have never hatched ducks before and have some questions. Itś day 29 and the egg is pipped. It has been pipped for over 36 hours with no progress. I opened the incubator to see if it was still alive, and it was. I can hear him...
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