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  1. ChickenGirl300

    Strangest Chicken Murder-Please Help!

    Hello, earlier today we found one of our chickens, Bailey, dead in the pen. She had no feathers on her head any neck, and all the flesh was cleanly gone. We have an automatic closing chicken door, but have never had a chicken stuck outide. Outide the pen, there was a hawk head. There is no...
  2. ChickenGirl300

    Bumblefoot Antibiotics

    Hi, we've had a severe case of bumblefoot. We have performed surgery, but our chicken needs some sort of antibiotic to help fight off this infection. This is our first case of bumblefoot and we're not sure what to use, or weather it is available over the counter or if we have to find a vet...
  3. ChickenGirl300

    Help! 4 year old BSL, very sick

    Today one of my chickens is acting really sick! She has been lethargic and panting. She also made some weird gurgling noises like she had an upset stomach. There was a lot of poop stuck the feathers around her vent, so we figured she may be constipated, so we cleared her the area. Could it be...
  4. ChickenGirl300

    Paper Quilling

    Hi everyone! Is anyone else interested in paper quilling? I have been making a few small things with it, but I'd like to get better. As my friend commented after I spent like 3 hours on a simple peacock, I have way to much time on my hands. Anyone else here like to make things out of paper?
  5. ChickenGirl300

    Today I Saw The Largest Chicken Egg I Have Ever Seen

    Today, I checked the nesting box when I went outside with my chickens. I always to that, and I was hoping for two, maybe three eggs. But what I was NOT expecting was one massive goose-sized egg. I have never seen one so large. I've seen a few double yolkers when they were younger, but I'd be...
  6. ChickenGirl300

    Southeastern Massachusetts- 2 month old Frizzle Cockerels and Easter Egger/Olive Egger

    We have three young roosters that need a new home. Due to the area we live in, we cannot keep these cockerels. They are two months old and very friendly. Two are frizzles (EE/OE) , one is an EE/OE. Please let me know if you are interested in them to add to your backyard flock. From left to...
  7. ChickenGirl300

    What is a good age to re-home cockerals?

    Hi. We have 3 two month old cockerels, who due to the area we live in might not be able to keep. It is in our best interests to find them a good home, and I was wondering what a good age would be to make integration easier. For now, they are all extremely friendly and cling to their mom. I'd...
  8. ChickenGirl300

    Gender of 8 Week Old EE/OE

    Hi. This is my 8 week old chick, Flash. S/he has a very small comb that is red. We've only seen her involving in sparring once. I can't tell if she is a he or not. Help please!
  9. ChickenGirl300

    Can chickens get sick from E Coli in water?

    As of today, our town has put out a warning against drinking water from the faucets and stuff. Apparently, there are high levels of E Coli in the water and you have to boil it. I just changed my chicken's water earlier today, so my question is, can chickens get sick from E Coli in there water...
  10. ChickenGirl300

    Frizzles-Just wanted to confirm

    Hi. 5 weeks ago, we bought 9 hatching eggs, and two weeks ago they've hatch. The person there said only 1 of the eggs had a possibility of being a frizzle, but two weeks later 3 of them look like they are. Just wanted to confirm these chicks (2 gray and a yellow) are frizzles.
  11. ChickenGirl300

    How long do broody hens keep their chicks in the coop?

    Hi. We have a relatively small coop, and a broody hen with 5 2-3 day old chicks. As of yesterday, our broody hen (Bullet, BSL) took them out into the coop for the first time, although not today. We were planning to move them to our garage at night to avoid conflict with the other 3 chickens, and...
  12. ChickenGirl300

    Feathered Legs=Frizzle?

    Our broody hens' eggs hatched yesterday. We had 7 OE eggs and 2 EE, one of which is possibly a frizzle. My question is, does feathered legs suggest that chick is an EE frizzle? Thank you
  13. ChickenGirl300

    Should I Separate My Broody And Her Eggs/Chicks?

    Hi, we have a broody hen and are planning on getting her some eggs to hatch. She is Head Hen, the chicken in charge of our four hen flock. I know some people separate their broodies and others don't. I doubt she would have any problems or interference from the other hens, with her position and...
  14. ChickenGirl300

    How do you feed chicks and 4 year old hens at the same time?

    Hi, I have a flock of four, 4 year old hens. One has gone broody, and we decided to get her some fertile eggs to hatch. They will not hatch for some time, but I'd like to do some research ahead of time. My 4 year olds eat layer pellets, of course, but I know chicks can't eat that. And they...
  15. ChickenGirl300

    Introducing a new chicken after a hawk attack

    I had five chickens until yesterday. We originally had 3, but then we got two more because we thought one was a rooster. (She wasn't) The two new girls were Plymouth Rocks, and always hung around together. They had names in the start, but once they feathered out we couldn't tell them apart very...
  16. ChickenGirl300

    What is the best material to put in the bottom of a chicken run?

    We are going to be building a new chicken run, and right now the bottom is mostly stone dust, but should I leave that or does anyone have any other ideas I could use for the bottom of the run? Thank you
  17. ChickenGirl300

    Funny Chicken Pictures With Captions- all birds welcome!

    High Twin, looking scary. 3 chickens running to treats.
  18. ChickenGirl300

    Funny Chicken Stories!

    Okay, so I thought it might be fun to have a thread where people can just post funny chicken stories. I guess I will go first. Once, last summer, I was eating dinner outside. I went inside to get something, (I forgot what) and when I came out one of my Plymouth Rock twins were on the picnic...
  19. ChickenGirl300

    What are your chickens' favorite teats?

    I have 5 chickens that are 3 years old. I was wondering what other peoples' hens like for snacks? Mine love cheese (occasional treat) , corn, oatmeal, and sunflower seeds. What do your chickens like?
  20. ChickenGirl300

    Puffed up Black Sex Link who is clucking

    Hi, I have a Black Sex Link chicken who has been been puffed up like a turkey and making an unusual clucking sound like she's broody. I know BSLs are not know for broodiness. She hasn't been spending unusual amounts of time in the nest and she is laying regularly. She has slept in the nesting...
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