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  1. AlaskaBookworm

    Chickens super pale

    So it’s been pretty hot for days, it can get up to 100 degrees. We’ve been free-ranging the chickens and it’s mostly in the shade but still hot. For a few days I’ve noticed a lot of the hens get really pale, like white combs and faces. They have multiple water stations and drink a lot but I...
  2. AlaskaBookworm

    Ridiculously tiny egg

    Just found this insanely small egg in our coop today, is this a problem or just a funny occurrence?
  3. AlaskaBookworm

    Eggs just hatched, what’s next?

    So we gave one of our broody hens 5 eggs to hatch, today we got our first one hatched! Once they’re all hatched and fluffy, do we need to separate mama and babies from the rest of the flock? Or will they be fine on their own? They have an outside area where they are most of the time and the mama...
  4. AlaskaBookworm

    Feathers plucked on hen?

    My hen has some feather taken out on her back, is it mating or molting? If it’s from mating, is that a problem or is it ok?
  5. AlaskaBookworm

    Rooster fight, comb looks like it could potentially come off (images)

    Our two bantams got into a fight today and we’ve separated them, and our silkie has some comb damage. We cleaned it a little bit and put anti-bacterial ointment on it, and it is sort of at the base of his comb and I’m worried it will could be damaged enough to come off if he rubs his comb or...
  6. AlaskaBookworm

    Beautiful Porcelain Bantam Roosters for Free, Virginia

    We have a very small and very pretty porcelain bantam rooster, who would do well in a flock with bantam hens. He’s getting all mean because we don’t have bantam hens for him. (The picture below is a little old) and we’re in the Fauquier County area in Virginia.
  7. AlaskaBookworm

    Need home for two free Sussex roosters, VA

    We desperately need to rehome our two Sussex roosters, we have four Roos and they fight. They are free, in the Fauquier County area in Virginia.
  8. AlaskaBookworm

    Black scabby skin on roos comb?

    Our 7 month old bantam rooster has these black crusts all over his comb, could they be bugs, or scabs, frostbite or sunburn? They’re inside the coop at night and we live in Virginia so the temperatures have been fluctuating from 20-60 degrees a lot lately. No other chickens have it but he is the...
  9. AlaskaBookworm

    Black specs in comb/wattle

    my bantam rooster has little black specs like rocks or something in his comb and wattle? His comb also seems dry and flaky.
  10. AlaskaBookworm

    Bantam rooster makes tiny cheeping noises when with favorite human?

    Our bantam rooster, Mr. Blue Sky, is pretty mean to our flock. He’s around 10 or 11 weeks old, and when he’s with his favorite person (my little brother) he gets all cuddly, rubs his beak around his hair, and makes these tiny baby cheeping noises. He doesn’t do that with anyone else (and usually...
  11. AlaskaBookworm

    Can I paint my chickens nails?

    We got two Productions Reds and one RIR. They got big and now look the SAME. I want to paint their nails with regular nail polish to tell who’s who, it shouldn’t be harmful or anything right?
  12. AlaskaBookworm

    7 week old Silkie gender?

    This is our Silkie chicken, she just recently got a pretty interesting Mohawk. Ideas on whether she’s a rooster or hen?
  13. AlaskaBookworm

    Rooster with lump on tummy (not looking good)

    So our 5 week old rooster (named Rooster) has had a swollen tummy for weeks, and it just seems to get bigger and worse. Now it seems to be golf-ball sized and you can see intestines through the thin skin layer. He doesn’t seem to be hurting or sick, but should we cull him now to prevent any...
  14. AlaskaBookworm

    4 week old chicks making odd noises

    so recently we noticed that a few of our 4 week old chicks have starting making these weird trilling noises every once in a while. Usually when they’re asking for attention, they’ll chirp for a while then take a deep breath and make a long trilling noise for a few seconds. I’ve only noticed our...
  15. AlaskaBookworm

    Two very different speckled Sussex chicks, male AND female?

    Our two speckled Sussex’s have grown and look extremely different, one has grown very fast and is big compared to the other. (The bigger one also seems to have a swollen belly) They’re 3 almost 4 weeks old. Could they be a male and female, or just really different? The supposed male (the bigger...
  16. AlaskaBookworm

    3 week old australorp gender?

    Is my Australorp a rooster or hen? She has a dark comb, is 3, almost 4, weeks old and has no Australorp siblings to compare to. Thoughts? She’s the left one in the photo.
  17. AlaskaBookworm

    How to tell if my Australorp chick is male or female?

    Is my Australorp a rooster or hen? She’s 3 weeks old, and she’s my only Australorp so I have no others to compare to. Thoughts?
  18. AlaskaBookworm

    3 week old chick, swollen belly

    So our new 3 week old chick (speckled Sussex) has fairly swollen belly with a balding spot, and doesn’t seem to be in pain or have any issues with drinking/eating/bathroom. Any ideas as to what this could be?
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