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  • Users: AccioSarah
  • Content: Threads
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  1. AccioSarah

    Integrating chicks and the Hens won't Lay! HELP!

    Quick back story: I have three hens, a RIR and two plymouth rocks. We also just got six new chicks who are now a month and a half old. In order to integrate them, we moved the hens into a temporary coop, and the chicks into the regular coop so they can get a little bigger before meeting the...
  2. AccioSarah

    White Easter Egger? Or unknown breed?

    Hello all! I recently received 6 lovely chicks from My Pet Chicken. We ordered three Buff Orpingtons, and Three Easter Eggers. Here is a picture of all six of them. We have been VERY confused by one chick though. One that my youngest sister has named "Lemon." Because of Lemon's light color...
  3. AccioSarah

    Nipple waterers for chicks?

    Just the simple questions: Can I use nipple waterers for chicks, or is it better to start them on a bowl type waterer then later teach them to use a nipple waterer when they move out to the coop? My other chickens learned to use the waterer later just fine, so that's not a concern, but I just...
  4. AccioSarah

    Introducing lone banty to established flock - need help and advice!

    My family adopted a lovely new bird a while ago, a tiny little bantam of unknown breed, but she looks somewhat like a mix between a D'uccle and a Polish. Well our current three birds (two Plymouth Rocks and a Rhodie) seem less then thrilled with the new addition. They are massive compared to...
  5. AccioSarah

    What breed or mix could she possibly be?

    This is a post about our new bird, Maragret! We adopted her from a local shelter in town. She's currently in quarantine in our garage before moving out with the other girls... but she is one of the oddest looking chickens I've ever seen. Here are the photos, but she was very difficult to...
  6. AccioSarah

    Rest in peace Rosie

    Today I'm here with very sad news... my lovely girl Rosie passed away this morning from unknown causes. My mom called me this morning to tell me what happened. She was apparently lethargic yesterday, because when they let the flock out to graze in the yard she didn't want to follow. My mom...
  7. AccioSarah

    Concerning 'squatting' behavior

    My 21 week old Barred Rock, Stella, has been doing something very odd... she will suddenly squat down, tense up, and hold her wings aloof. My Rhode Island red, Lucy, (at least we think it's her, she's got the largest and floppy-ist comb) began laying last weekend, and we never saw her do this...
  8. AccioSarah

    My chickens refuse to eat yogurt...

    I've heard yogurt is very good for them- and I was excited to give it a try! I've tried plain and vanilla now, and I've even tried mixing in their food and some greens to trick them, but no go! They try a peck or two, then walk away from it and refuse to go anywhere near it. Shouldn't they all...
  9. AccioSarah

    What exactly IS Broody/broodiness?

    I've heard the term quite a lot, and I assume it has to do with caring for eggs before and after they hatch... but I don't really understand it. Do they stop laying when they are "broody?" Does it make them meaner? Will they go broody on their own- do I want them too? Thanks!
  10. AccioSarah

    My chickens hate to be held or touched- what did we do wrong?

    We have four pullets that we got as chickens from My Pet Chicken in April. We interacted with them (following a fellow BC person advice), held them, stroked them, let them walk around on our bellies, they even rode on our shoulders for short distances! There was a two week period where they...
  11. AccioSarah

    Alas!! Moving away before the girls start to lay...

    The Great Chicken Adventure began way back in March for me... I started my chicken research mid-March, and my little girls arrived April 21st at 2 and a half days old!! It's been crazy- watching them grow, learning far more about chickens then I ever expected... building a coop and run... making...
  12. AccioSarah


    Every morning I head out to the backyard to let the girls out, check their food and water, etc, etc. Every morning, I also receive a minimum of 3 mosquito bites!! It is driving me crazy! I can only imagine the girls don't like it much either. We've tried tiki torches, all natural spray for the...
  13. AccioSarah

    The finally completed Coop! (Taken months- but SO worth it) (Pictures)

    We got the girls in April... began the work on the coop just before May... and just finished the run and final touches yesterday!! I think it's pretty great. The coop I built by myself, which I am quite proud of! My siblings all painted a side of the coop (and the roofs), with a couple sides...
  14. AccioSarah

    Coop under a mulberry tree...

    Just wondering if the mulberries will be bad for the chickens or cause any issues. Thanks!
  15. AccioSarah

    How do I introduce a new hen to my flock?

    I am looking at adopting a hen in my area in the next month or so, and I just want to be prepared when it comes time to introduce eachother. My current plan is to quarantine the new girl for a couple weeks, to be sure I'm not bringing in any disease. After that, I would move her into a chicken...
  16. AccioSarah

    Looking for one female Easter Egger/Araucana to add to my flock.

    Looking for a Araucana, Ameraucana or Easter Egger. Must be female. Preferably looking for one 8 weeks or older, laying age would be great. I have a small flock of four, and we are looking to add just one more... and the family has requested that it be an easter egger! Or at least "one that...
  17. AccioSarah

    Lime and DE? What are the benefits?

    Just curious, I've heard about lime and DE, but I... A) don't know how to use them to benefit my flock B) am not sure what the actual benefits are. Look forward to hearing the responses!
  18. AccioSarah

    New chicks?!?!

    I have given in to the obession... I just got my girls out into the coop- and I just ordered 3 more chicks from MyPetChicken! What is the matter with me??? Apparently... I offically have the "chick fever". We have two barred plymouth rock (loosing one because she turned out to be a roo!) and...
  19. AccioSarah

    Can I give ACV if I use a nipple water system?

    Or will it destroy the nipple waterers? I've heard you can't use Apple Cider Vinegar with metal...
  20. AccioSarah

    Adding an addition to my coop!! **UPDATE** Chicken Murals! (pic heavy)

    I'm so proud of myself. The first coop took my older brother and a friend of his two weeks to finish... I did my addition in two days (with a couple days of planning it too!) Here it is before and after!! BEFORE:: AFTER:: and the back side And a picture of my "helper" looking at...
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