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  1. TopazMaster91

    Rooster HATES new chickens? Advice wanted

    So, here's some details: We have fifteen chickens total at the moment. A few months ago, three chicks hatched, and not long after that, we adopted three rescued chicks from the side of the road. All six are roughly the same age, probably 4-ish months old now. All six live separately from our...
  2. TopazMaster91

    Need fast advice- Eye Injury, cause unknown

    Our Japanese Bantam rooster has an eye injury of some sort, I didn't see it happen so I don't know how it happened, but my best guess is a badly aimed peck from a hen that didn't want any action; Today I noticed his left eye is swollen and he keeps it shut, won't open it, and he is a lot less...
  3. TopazMaster91

    Perpetually broody bantam Cochin troubles

    Okay, I'll try to make this short- All my bantams have been going broody lately, but we do not have the room or desire to have a billion chicks running around; we let one have one chick not too long ago, and we have another sitting on five eggs right now in a separate, small pre-built coop. We...
  4. TopazMaster91

    Time Sensitive Emergency, Baby Chick, Help!

    I'm in a rush so background: This morning a snake got one of our chicks, the other chick + mother were okay, we killed the snake. From the chaos of the snake attack the food and water were spilled out, empty, and we don't know for how long- could have been hours and hours. It's a hot day, mother...
  5. TopazMaster91

    Looking for some advice- building LARGE run

    *EDIT* Updated with pics, post #11 ! So we started with a dinky prefab, which I quickly realized was far too small. As a result, we have built from scratch a 7x6ft, 7ft tall coop, and we're just beginning the run. My dad said he'd help, but he's not a builder and I was a bit hesitant about it...
  6. TopazMaster91

    OEGB - broodiness, personality, egg-laying, maturity?

    I have (among other bantams and LF) a self-blue OEGB girl who is roughly 15 weeks old, and after scouring these forums for information, I've finally given in and created this thread specifically to ask OEGB keepers for some information: Roughly when do the pullets mature and start laying eggs...
  7. TopazMaster91

    Apparently I'm a very appealing "rooster"

    My Buff Orpington pullet (9mo old) was digging somewhere I'd rather her not dig, so I reached down to move her aside, and she FROZE- slightly put out wings- crouched low to the ground- and STUCK HER TAIL UP! She squatted for me! I stared at her for a few seconds, arm outstretched; she stared...
  8. TopazMaster91

    [Integration] Apparently my three older pullets are savage?!

    So, I have three pullets, ages are around 9-10 months old. They are the following breeds: Buff Orpington, Barred Rock, Cream Legbar. For the first 8-9 months of their lives, they were alone, happily cohabiting a crappy pre-fab coop from tractor supply (note: new BIG coop is almost built!). They...
  9. TopazMaster91

    Very noisy bantam chicks- Help!

    Hello, long-time lurker- Nice to finally be joined up here! 27 years old, have three 7 months old pullets, and some newer additions: I just signed up specifically to ask this question, we have five chicks (OEGB, Japanese bantam(male), 2x Cochin frizzle bantams, one Polish standard) all...
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