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  1. my3chickens

    Coccidiosis, Sulmet or Corrid?

    I had two chickens, slightly under 1 year old, die last year from Coccidiosis. The first passed away after being lethargic for a few days, the other had same symptoms & after spending $150.00 at vet passed away as well. I treated all surviving chickens with Sulmet. I believe another one has it...
  2. my3chickens

    Christmas Chicken

    Maxine's first Christmas photo shoot, she was a little nervous about posing partially nude but her "breast" is covered :)
  3. my3chickens

    Small grey bugs in coop?

    I have looked online at pics of every bug imaginable that is associated with chickens and cannot find anything that matches what is in my coop. They are teeny with round bodies and appear to be grey in color, no hint of red or brown at all. They are so tiny I can't see the details on them very...
  4. my3chickens

    EZ chicken run ideas?

    I am looking for easy instructions/plans on adding a dog proof run to my existing coop/run so I can add a couple more chickens. I am a single female who knows how to use a hammer and that's about it but has access to power tools if needed... my dog has a strong prey drive so it has to be a...
  5. my3chickens

    Maryland: Harford County/Balto area?

    Anyone near this area that has laying hens for sale, or 100% positive hens?? I am the proud owner of 4 rescued roosters and 1 hen, gotta get some girls in here to give my one hen a break!! & it takes me a week to get an omelette
  6. my3chickens

    Playhouse chicken coops?

    I've recently acquired a fairly large wooden playhouse, the kind attached to a swingset, and was wondering if anyone had pics of playhouses converted into chicken coops? Before I started "remodeling" I want to get some good ideas & I know this is the place to get them! Thanks in advance
  7. my3chickens

    Introducing chickens/roosters?

    Need some advice. I currently have 2 roosters and 1 hen (got 3 chicks, thinking they were all girls!!). For the most part the roosters get along fairly well, not sure if that will change as they get older, but one of them has started "mating" the hen several x's a day. I am going to get 2 more...
  8. my3chickens

    Time Magazine-Chicken Issue!

    Did anyone see the July 12th issue of Time magazine "Hanging Out At A Chicken Swap", says BackYardChickens is like Facebook for chicken lovers So true!
  9. my3chickens

    My first coop!

    My first coop! I only have 3 chickens but I've become addicted, should have gotten a bigger coop! I'm a naive new chicken owner, ended up with 2 roos!!
  10. my3chickens

    Neutering Roosters? Anyone as crazy as me?

    I'm a first time chicken owner, purchased 3 chicks, was told all were pullets, NOT, two are roosters. They are 3 months old now and I'm attached to them so no chance of getting rid of them. Has anyone heard of anyone that's done this? My concern is the two fighting so I'm wondering if this will...
  11. my3chickens

    Fan for coop?

    I just got a coop with a covered run attached, the coop will be out in the open with no shade other than the roof which is black shingles, the temp here for the next few days is supposed to be around 90 degrees. Do you think I need a fan or should they be ok as long as the run is covered? The...
  12. my3chickens


    I was told she/he was a barred rock but no "barring" at 4 weeks.....
  13. my3chickens

    Barred Rock?

    My 4week old, what are supposed to be Barred Rocks, have absolutely no Barred Rock markings, they are all black w/grey under belly's. If they are Barred Rock should I be seeing the typical coloring by now?
  14. my3chickens

    Getting the coop ready....

    Completely new to this so I apologize in advance for my "silly" questions.... When I move the chicks out to the coop do I put food and water in the coop or only in the run? Not sure if they sleep all night or need access to food and water 24/7.
  15. my3chickens

    New chick mom

    Hi, I'm a nervous new chick mom. My chicks turned a week old today and I probably get up 4 times a night to check on them!! So far I think I'm doing okay, they eat, poop, sleep, and chirp like they are happy. I'm frantically searching for a reasonably priced chicken coop, since I'm a single girl...
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