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  1. FeatheredDinos

    Is my turkey a Broad Breasted?

    Here’s my Griphon. My teenage grandson brought him and a girl to me, he was working at Atwoods and he knew I loved birds. I never intended for him to become food, but I’m afraid he’s the kind that is intended to be food. Can anyone tell? I read in here that BBB stand with feet apart but Griphon...
  2. FeatheredDinos

    Gosling with 2 Vents

    I have a month old gosling with two vents. She is still pooping, but there are 3 marble sized knots in that area ... I’ve given Epsom Baths - 3 days now. I gave her a Dawn Bath this morning, because I believe it’s an infection - impacted food? Any help would be greatly appreciated. We have no...
  3. FeatheredDinos

    What’s Wrong With My Gosling?

    #HELP please. I’ve never seen anything like this ... it appears my gosling has two anal openings but she’s very swolllen ... anyone have any idea what this is and how to treat it?
  4. FeatheredDinos

    Hey Y’all

    1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I am NEW to having a chicken “flock.” I had one chicken - a white Polish for a few years whom I adored. I learned how smart chickens were from having her. Last January - I got my first “flock” of chickens. (2) How many chickens do...
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