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  1. Texas Transplant

    Broody Pullet: Mottled Java

    Hello, I've got a MJ born Aug 3, 2020 who started laying in Mid February 2021. -Went broody Mid-May -Introduced store-bought chicks May 27th, which she readily accepted after 2 weeks broody. -Had an INSANE heat wave (115 F) when chicks were 4 1/2 weeks old, MJ pullet rejected chicks and is...
  2. Texas Transplant

    Welsummer with heavy bloom pale eggs ??

    I have a Welsummer pullet (hatched April 13th '20) that has been laying for 2 weeks. She eats high quality organic feed, free choice oyster shell and lots of fresh dark greens, veggies and fruit. Her eggs have a HEAVY bloom and more often than not, appear pink. If I wipe them clean they are...
  3. Texas Transplant

    Aggressive Mottled Java Pullets

    I've got three healthy and ridiculously skittish (and at times aggressive) 10 week old Mottled Java chicks, 2 have flogged me (Ursula LeGuin and Lavar Burton in the first photo). One has exhibited flogging behavior since it was 1 week old. They have a lavish lifestyle with zero stress, eat...
  4. Texas Transplant

    10 Week old Mottled Javas, all pullets?

    I've got three healthy and ridiculously skittish (and at times aggressive) 10 week old Mottled Java chicks, 2 have flogged me (Ursula and Lavar). One has exhibited flogging behavior since it was 1 week old. They have a lavish lifestyle with zero stress, eat Scratch and Peck organic grower and...
  5. Texas Transplant

    How to Protect Your Birds From Hazardous Smoke Levels????

    Hopefully we can get some good ideas using our collective brain power on how to protect our birds from the hazardous smoke that's effecting a good deal of folks in the West of the U.S. right now. I'm in Oregon and I've got 4 older pullets and 3, 6 weeks old chicks. I can bring the babies inside...
  6. Texas Transplant

    Pullets squatting for over 2 weeks but, no eggs.

    Hello Chicken Folk, I've got a Welsummer & a BCM that are 21.5 weeks old that have been squatting for 2.5 weeks but, there is nary an egg to be found ANYWHERE in their yard. Nor are they singing egg songs. The BCM's comb and wattles have increased in size significantly and look to be the...
  7. Texas Transplant

    New Member: Howdy

    Hello, I'm a human that adores dinosaurs....., I mean chickens! I am in search of chicken breeders in Oregon to start my new flock (not interested in hatchery stock). Below is a list of things about me and my interest in this wonderful forum & its members. 1) I am moderately experienced with...
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