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  1. Stoney Meadow Maple

    Thoughts on this duckling feed?

    I bought this “special mix” when i got my Cayugas. I was planning to switch them over to Dumor as it runs out. Should I do it sooner? Seems to have a lot of corn.
  2. Stoney Meadow Maple

    Leg bands

    So these were on the legs of the Cayuga ducklings I just bought home, ostensibly to identify them as girls. They looked flexible, so I didn’t get them off immediately, I finally caught up with my wife last night and we tried to take them off, they were so stiff and tight I had to cut one off...
  3. Stoney Meadow Maple

    So, Cayugas…

    I bought a pair of Cayuga ducks from a poultry farm here in VT, they are supposed to be 10 weeks, but look a little younger to me, but I’ve been out of the duckling game a while now. One has definite quacks, the other I was worried, but I think we got a couple from it.. so fingers crossed. I...
  4. Stoney Meadow Maple

    6 week runners with the rest of the flock?

    I have suffered some losses, down to 4 hens, and one drake who is too feeble to mate them, he gets to the food and water and that’s about it. I responded to an ad for 1.5 months old runners, I should be able to sex them by voice, but how about mixing them in with the rest? Do you think I would...
  5. Stoney Meadow Maple

    Is this broodiness or something more sinister?

    My Harlequin is somewhere around 4 years old, she’s usually pretty adventurous and more apt to be off on her own. I have been home for the last 4 days so they have been out of their fence and moving around. Thursday she was out and around with the ladies, Friday she went down in the lilies and...
  6. Stoney Meadow Maple

    Homing pigeon info.

    I am sort of interested in learning more about homing pigeons, I guess the ducks aren’t enough 😂 Are there any good books or websites, clubs etc with good information to get started with? Thanks!
  7. Stoney Meadow Maple

    Cool egg today

    I get green periodically, never had one this dark or brown either.
  8. Stoney Meadow Maple

    Breed selection

    I am back on my turkey kick, reading up on breeds, I think I want to go with smaller birds, a heritage type breed, as opposed to the faster growing BBW or similar which are typically used for thanksgiving birds. These would be processed shortly before thanksgiving. Hoping for a 12lb average bird...
  9. Stoney Meadow Maple

    Tiny eggs?

    The girls just started laying again, had a couple normal eggs, then this. They have calcium, should I be concerned?
  10. Stoney Meadow Maple

    Checking in

    It’s been a while since I checked in much here, my 5 hens are doing well, not laying of course, but doing well. Sir Winston has made no improvement over the fall and winter with his mobility struggles, but he hasn’t gotten any worse either and he still seems to want to be here. It has been an...
  11. Stoney Meadow Maple

    Flies in the feed.

    I buy my feed 100lbs at a time and have been buying the TSC Dumor all flock, which is made by Purina. I store in a metal trash can, which gets emptied thoroughly before adding new. I put this round in a week ago and now itnhas flies coming out of it, i can see them digging their way to the...
  12. Stoney Meadow Maple

    Fly strike

    This is more of just a discussion or perhaps commiseration, because I ended up having to put Petunia down. I went away on Friday for the weekend, my FIL was letting them in and out for me. He said Petunia was acting fine on Sunday morning but unable to walk Sunday evening so he picked her up and...
  13. Stoney Meadow Maple

    Drake can’t walk, foamy eyes, no bumble foot.

    Been away for 2 weeks, the neighbor girl was watching them, shes a nice kid, but i wish she had been a little more clear about how bad off he was, dunno what I could have done from there but I can’t go back. Hes been having some mobility issues since last fall, I blamed his heroic acrobatics in...
  14. Stoney Meadow Maple

    Drake with foaming eyes?

    My drake looked funny this morning, upon closer inspection it is foam, which is wetting his feathers. What is it, and what do i do about it. They have a water bucket and a pool which get changed daily. They are on Dumor All Flock. The other 7 seem fine.
  15. Stoney Meadow Maple

    Duck killed, is this a hawk attack?

    Wife came home and reported one Rouen was missing. Shortly after she called to say it was in the fence, but killed. I have 4’ electronet, with a hot AC Charger. I happen to know it is very hot. I have seen a fox jump it in the winter with snow on. I see no evidence of tracks here, of course it...
  16. Stoney Meadow Maple

    Going back outside, how soon is too soon?

    Some of you may remember i had 2 of my Pekins inside over thanksgiving, one had a terrible bumble and the other had some variety of leg strain, so to ensure each had a buddy and to work on the foot and keep it clean I brought them in and set them up in the basement. Well it got cold, the...
  17. Stoney Meadow Maple

    Wing clipping, how difficult, how often?

    I love Malards, but have avoided them because of the whole flying deal, it is just a whole other level of something to worry about. Is wing clipping a big deal and does it need to be done a lot? Or is it a couple times a year routine that wouldn’t be really difficult?
  18. Stoney Meadow Maple

    Getting ready for some cold weather.

    Fluffed up the big family nest in preparation for cold today and tomorrow. They were very excited. Of course it had mealworms in it, so that helped.
  19. Stoney Meadow Maple

    Need advice on Pekin injuries.

    I have 2 ducks in basement sick bay, the first is Scuba she has a large bumble, which is somewhat straightforward, i plan to do some nightly soaks and daily packs with triple antibiotic and a duck boot while keeping her quiet in the basement, then i will evaluate operating, should i be giving an...
  20. Stoney Meadow Maple

    Egg thickness by breed?

    Ive got a mixture of ducks, Pekin, Rouens, Welsh Harlequin, and Runners. I cant be totally sure but I believe the WH and runner eggs are more like the thickness of chicken eggs. The others are extremely thick, like one might expect from a duck. They are fed all flock, and have access to calcium...
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