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  1. Legacy Farms


    My Dominiques are going on 11 weeks. From everything I have read these three being darker in color are pullets? One is getting quite the set of tail feathers which is why I am asking.
  2. Legacy Farms

    Comb Question

    I have 2 out of 3 Dominiques and 3 out of 4 no idea their breed, with combs like this. Does that mean anything? They are all 8 weeks on Wednesday. I appreciate any knowledge & feedback!
  3. Legacy Farms

    Littles Project

    Over the weekend we built the littles a mini run off of their brooding house. It is inside the main run that the older birds are in. It is 9'x4.5' plenty of room for a wee pool and leg stretching. We also took their brooding box out of the brooding house, I put shavings down against the screen...
  4. Legacy Farms

    Adventures Of Coop Cleaning

    So yesterday what should have been an easy quick job turned into an all day project because my flock decided I needed their help! I went into strip & clean the coop. My flock had other ideas. I started out with the ducks following me around being extremely vocal because they wanted their morning...
  5. Legacy Farms

    These are not Leghorns!

    Two weeks ago my husband brought home 4 chicks that were supposed to be Leghorns. We have 6 week old Leghorns & these chicks are absolutely not. I think he may have been sold meat birds. They are massive in size compared to the other chicks he brought home that day. They were all day olds. Are...
  6. Legacy Farms

    Blue Slate Turkey

    Our local feed store is getting in a shipment of blue slate turkeys on Friday. I was thinking about getting a couple. Does anyone have any experience with them? Temperament? Behavior? Any input would be greatly appreciated.
  7. Legacy Farms

    Duck Guru's

    I need some input here. I know for a fact 2 are Mallards & 2 are Pekings. What the heck are my other two? I think perhaps one is a Rouen & one a Kakhi Campbell? Thoughts?!
  8. Legacy Farms

    Monster Run

    The monster run my husband had envisioned being 24'x37' ended up being 24'x24' because the digging here is brutal. He came home Thursday from work and asked how I only got 5 posts in all afternoon. So I handed him the breaker bar & shovel...two holes in, he decided 24x24 was big enough! 🤣...
  9. Legacy Farms


    I actually get to work today! YAY! But I wanted to share this real quick before I head out to the barn. Yesterday I spent a couple of hours in the coop with the kids. They were climbing all over me, roosting and exploring. Thank God nobody pooped on me. :lau This hen (hoping) decided that I'd...
  10. Legacy Farms

    What are we...

    So my birthday babies are all 5-6 weeks old now. With the help of members of BYC we have already established that my Delwares are in fact Leghorns & my Speckled Sussex are Red Sexlinks. So these are my remaining kids. They are supposedly Black sexlinks, Cinnamon Queens & Dominiques. Sorry I...
  11. Legacy Farms

    3 Day old Magpie

    I spend the day running my wee fuzzy butt around the brooder and biting my friends. I think I'm just playing but this hooman says I'm a bully. Then this stoopid hooman thinks she can pick me up so I bit her. 🤣 This stoopid hooman thinks mister 'tude needs a name! Ideas? All in fun, of course. 😊
  12. Legacy Farms

    Leghorn & Delaware

    When my hubby brought home my birthday chicks he picked 2 leghorns and 2 Delaware's out of different brooders. This was at our local feed store. They have thousands of chicks go through in the spring. So my kids are now 5-6 weeks old. They are still pure white. Not a black or grey feather to be...
  13. Legacy Farms

    I went in for hay...

    And came home with 10 ducklings & 2 chicks :celebrate:lau🤷‍♀️
  14. Legacy Farms

    Swedish Blue & Black

    Does anyone have any experience with them? The blues are so beautiful and the blacks are quite different. I was thinking about ordering a couple. They are so expensive, I decided to ask if anyone has had them, or currently has them? Temperament? Heat/cold tolerance? Good layers? Any insight is...
  15. Legacy Farms

    Brooding house

    Last weekend my husband and I built a brooding house onto the chicken coop. It is 8x8'8" because the brooding box my hubby built is nearly 8" long. We are getting more ducklings tomorrow and I didn't want them in the house. Without a heat lamp in the brooding house it stayed in the mid 70's...
  16. Legacy Farms

    What the heck am I?

    Okay guys when my husband bought me chicks he went to Tractor Supply. They told him these two were speckled Sussex. I've been looking at pics of juvenile Speckleds and they look nothing like this! So help! Speckled Sussex or???
  17. Legacy Farms

    Coop Questions

    So to get my darling husband in gear with the coop building, I decided to turn one of the 4 sided horse shelters into a coop. It is 16'x24', 9' tall fully enclosed, built with wood. It has a gap at the top of the walls, all the way around, I plan on putting in chicken wire or heavier duty rabbit...
  18. Legacy Farms

    Jumping back in it!

    Hi all! My husband bought me chicks & ducklings as an early birthday present. He brought home 2 black sexlinks, 2 buff oprhingtons, 3 Dominiques, 4 cinnamon queens, 2 Delware, 2 leghorns & 1 speckled Sussex. ducklings are 2 pekings, 2 mallards & 2 Rouens. Naturally being a surprise I had no...
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