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  • Users: 4F FARM
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  1. 4F FARM

    Help! I need to pick your brains pheasant folks

    I was supposed to have pure ring neck pheansant from someone on eggbid. What hatched were a bunch of normal ones and 3 different. The different ones are blackish/brown. Two have white rings on their necks and white tips on their wings. The other is the same minus the neck ring. Any clue on...
  2. 4F FARM

    Visit to Napalongtails

    Last week I went to vist Napalongtails (aka J.J.). What a great family. And boy does she have some beautiful longtails. The pheasant eggs I picked up were set on Friday and I'm hoping for a great hatch. Her pheasants were just beautiful. Visiting her property left me with many ideas to...
  3. 4F FARM

    Just how noisy are guineas?

    My DH will barely tolerate a rooster. I love the looks and characteristics of guineas, but I have read that they are noisy? Just how noisy are they? Is it only when they are disturbed or do they do it all the time? Thanks, Faye
  4. 4F FARM

    Incubator addiction

    My last homemade incubator worked so well, that I have the urge to make another. But this time I am enlisting the help of the Wonder Wizard, my father in law. That man could probably make a silk purse out to a sows ear if he really wanted to. I want one that will incoperate an egg turner. We...
  5. 4F FARM

    I think my favorite hen has CRD

    Hi, My favorite girl has bubbles in her eyes. From what I have read she probably has CRD. I'm going to the farm store to get Tylan to treat her. Has anybody dealt with this before. She acts perfectly normal, eats and drinks and comes when her name is called. What is the mortality rate for...
  6. 4F FARM

    Stupid Hawk! (vent)

    As usual my big girls were free ranging in the only place without snow. Right outside my patio window. It was a pretty nice day so I thought I will put the 5 week olds out in the sun shine. I set up a play pen area right against the house. Mind you not 3 feet from the slider I am sewing at...
  7. 4F FARM

    My co-workers think I'm the crazy chicken lady (long)

    Today I got a call from the boss in another division to come over right away. I'm thinking what did I do wrong. Well I get over there and they are all standing in a circle. I see a large ceramic frog in a jello mold and a box of cinnamon rolls. At this point one of they guys asks if I want a...
  8. 4F FARM

    My Araucana eggs hatched (PICS)

    They actually hatched on Saturday, but the holiday has kept me really busy. I woke up to 2 pips. The kids were really excited. As we waited another hatched under out nose. It must have piped on the underside. The other two pips waited awhile then a second hatched. Well by then family...
  9. 4F FARM

    What is your favorite macaroni and cheese recipe

    I love home mad mac and cheese, but I always seem to use so much cheese to get it to taste cheesey. Does anyone have a great recipe that actually tastes like cheese?
  10. 4F FARM

    See what impulse buying gets you....

    Went to the Big R to get silkies for my son. They were gone when we got there, but he really wanted a few chicks. So this is what came home. Remember I only went in for three. Two buff orpingtons They came from the blue andelusion tub, but they sure aren't blue. Does anyone know...
  11. 4F FARM

    Re-homed chickens (PICS)

    I picked up 4 new chickens off of craigs list. 2 light brahmas, 1 buff orpington, and aa black star. After seeing them I knew they needed to come home with me. They were kept in a small coop/run and were only fed corn. They were friendly from the peoples daughter playing with them. Their...
  12. 4F FARM

    Why would my temp drop?

    Yesterday was day 18. Before I left for work I put in the sponge to increase my humidity. I made sure it was warm water, not cold. When I got home it said my low for the day was 98.6. If the sponge was warm why would it cause the temp to drop? Any ideas? If any chicks hatch from this...
  13. 4F FARM

    I think it is over (sorry it's long)

    I have 22 eggs in the bator. Everything was going so well. Then...I noticed my lows were around 91. I couldn't figure it out. Aha! I caught my husband lowering the house temp at night. I had to explain that with the styrofoam bators I had to have constant temps. Ok I got that solved. I...
  14. 4F FARM

    This is worse than being pregnant

    The anticipation is killing me (it's only day 6). I feel like a new mother. Is the baby's room ready (aka brooder)? Do I have enough baby food? How about bedding? Will they all be healthy? I just hope the labor pain won't be as bad.
  15. 4F FARM

    HINKJC- I received my eggs!

    Jody, I recieved my eggs yesterday morning. The PO called me bright and early. Two of the eggs were cracked and seeping, but the rest were just fine. My poor 2 year old thought I could crack the egg open and a chick would be in there. He is too young to get it yet I guess. You had the eggs...
  16. 4F FARM

    I've been lurking......

    Hello everyone! I have been lurking on this site for months. I just wanted to say hello and introduce myself. This forum has a wealth of knowledge and I thank each of you for all the information you are willing to share with eachother. I look forward to adding my two cents in if you will...
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