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  1. ILoveBabySilkies

    New Recruits!

    Hello everyone! So I just got two new chicks! I know, I know I need to stop and I will cause these two are pretty much all the coop can fit.(Goid thing the coop can fit the 13 I have cause if it could fit more that 13 would turn into 130 faster than you can say chick!). Say hello to Smokey the...
  2. ILoveBabySilkies


    Hi everyone so I just got two new chicks and they’ve been in the brooder for about 7 minutes or so and the lavender orp has not stopped doing the lonely chirp/calling for the other chicks. Usually my chicks would stop doing this call after 1 minute of being back together but she has not stopped...
  3. ILoveBabySilkies

    Outside time!

    Hi everyone! Just wanted to share some photos of my chickens and just some pictures I took while watching my flock free range outside! This is Olive my Crested Cream Legbar, she is 7 weeks old and I love watching her crest bounce when she pecks at stuff😍. Some of you already know that this is...
  4. ILoveBabySilkies

    Cross results?

    Hey everyone so I plan on breeding and hatching chicks in the future from my flock. I have a Cuckoo Maran cockerel and he is my only cockerel and I plan on breeding him to the following pullets Golden Cuckoo Maran, Dominique, White Plymouth Rock, Golden Laced Wyandotte, White Leghorn, Crested...
  5. ILoveBabySilkies

    Pre ordering chicks?

    Hey everyone so February is coming up and I know most hatcheries are going to start getting chicks hatched and I was wondering if I’m able to pre order chicks like place an order now and have them ship them out once the actual chicks hatch? Or do I have to wait the day they hatch?
  6. ILoveBabySilkies


    Hey everyone, so I have 11 chickens 5 of which are 15 week old pullets. So my question is why is my 15 week old Dominique squatting? She started doing half squats a couple days ago and now does the full submission squat, I know pullets will do this when close to lay and when roosters/owners come...
  7. ILoveBabySilkies


    Hey everyone so recently I added two new chicks into my second flock of 3 and my BO and EE we’re treating them fine just a little bit of dominance pecking. On the other hand Kim K my white leghorn was being extremely bossy and not letting them eat or drink so I put her in time out(a little cage...
  8. ILoveBabySilkies

    Bantam cochins

    @Overo Mare @OneHappyRooster @TheOddOneOut I just needed to update you guys and let you all know I’m getting 7 bantam Cochins next Wednesday!!!:ya:yesss::clap:wee:love
  9. ILoveBabySilkies


    @TheOddOneOut @black_cat HSJSHSJDJ
  10. ILoveBabySilkies

    Baby Easter Eggers appreciation thread!

    Who doesn’t love baby EE’s? They are little surprise fluff balls! Show us your baby EE(s)! I’ll start with mine, her name is Easter I know very cliche.:rolleyes: I love her eyeliner! @TheOddOneOut you know who the people wanna see! @Overo Mare do you have any EE’s? @OneHappyRooster I would ask...
  11. ILoveBabySilkies

    What breed?

    Hey everyone, so I’ve decided that in November I want to add 3 female ducks to my backyard flock! I’ve had two ducks before but that was a long time ago and I was pretty young so I don’t remember what it was like so I’ve been researching and I know everything I have to do to take care of them...
  12. ILoveBabySilkies


    Hey everyone, so I have 11 chickens a main flock of 6 (12 weeks old) 3 (5 weeks old) 2(2-1/2 week old). My main flock of 6 is out in the coop and has been for a while and I’ve been having the 3 five week olds inside a mini cage in the main coop for a see don’t touch sorta thing. They’ve been in...
  13. ILoveBabySilkies

    Incubation tips!

    Hi everyone! I am planning on hatching some eggs in an incubator for the first time around December-January. I would love if you guys could give me tips or help me understand temp, what humidity should be at, lockdown etc. Thank you guys in advance and I’m very excited to hatch chicks!
  14. ILoveBabySilkies

    What’s wrong😞

    Hey eveyone, so this morning I woke up and went out to change my chickens water and noticed my Dominique was acting weird. She had her wings dropped and was standing in place, so I decided to get some mealworms and see if she would start going crazy for them as usual. I started giving them to...
  15. ILoveBabySilkies

    Bloody poop?

    Hey everyone, so I’m currently quarantining my three new baby chicks and I noticed my 3 week old EE had a reddish poop. I don’t have pics so I’ll explain the best I can, the actual poop wasn’t red there were red stringy pieces that looked gelatinous. I know they shed intestinal lining so I...
  16. ILoveBabySilkies

    Cuckoo maran cockerel?

    Hey everyone, I’ve posted about this before once she was 3 weeks old with her sister who I also thought was a cockerel we don’t think her sister is anymore but we are still suspicious about cream. She is now 6 weeks about to be 7 weeks in two days. Her comb kept on getting bigger and redder...
  17. ILoveBabySilkies

    Who’s your lap chicken?

    Hi eveyone! I wanted to make this thread to see who everybody’s lap chicken is(if you have one). My lap chicken is my Dominique she would climb my arm when she was a couple days old and now she climbs my legs at 5 weeks old and likes to take naps on my knee. I don’t have any pics of her right...
  18. ILoveBabySilkies

    What should I get?

    Hey everyone! So tomorrow I’m going to get some more chicks and was wondering what breeds you guys suggest. They have barred rocks, cuckoo marans, buff Orpingtons, production blues, and turkens. I’ve had all of those breeds before but it’s been a while since I’ve had any of them and would like...
  19. ILoveBabySilkies

    Too young?

    I know this is a little young but I have 4 week old chicks and both of my cuckoo marans (expecting one to be a golden cuckoo maran) have large combs at this point. The reason I’m questioning it this early is because the rest of the chicks don’t have very large combs at all. Is this just...
  20. ILoveBabySilkies

    Cuckoo maran with copper colored feather tips?

    Hello everyone, I recently purchased 6 chicks two of which are cuckoo marans (listed as silver cuckoo marans on the website). They are two weeks old and one of the cuckoo marans have copper/brown colored tips on most of her feathers. I do not know if this happens sometimes since I have not owned...
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