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  • Users: Ravishaw
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  1. Ravishaw

    heat - lost 7 - coop cooling question

    I have a rather large coop, just screened it with hardware fabric to keep out the baddies. My problem is that yesterday 7 hens died because it got hot and they couldn't get into my garden and root around in the dirt I'm guessing. The coop is in shade 100% of the day, there was water but they...
  2. Ravishaw

    silly pullets

    i have 8 pullets that are feathered, growing, and more-or-less socially acclimated to the rest of the 18 or so hens in the flock. They don't roost on the roosting bars in my coop, they sleep outside the nest boxes all huddles together in one mish-mashed pileup of brown, white, peach and fuzz...
  3. Ravishaw

    I DID turn a rooster loose on 25 innocent unsuspecting hens

    For the past few days, Pavoratti, my new Barred Rock Rooster has been sitting beside the main coop in the 2 bedroom brooder/apartment. He hasn't complained or flogged the little chicks next door or the hen he came with. He's been amazingly tolerant I must say. But I can see he wants to get...
  4. Ravishaw

    looking to make a run for my soon to be 30+ poopers

    Rather than fence in my patio which faces my wonderful backyard, I kind of wanted to make a run that my little poopers could run amuck in. Right now they make the biggest mess on my back patio and I would kind of like it to stay cleaner. So by making a run, they can be outside and not...
  5. Ravishaw

    ode to an old rooster

    I had a bantam cochin rooster. he was a beauty. The green in his feathers reflected so pretty in the sun. He had a gorgeous comb, feathered feet and legs, and a personality that I'd just love to recapture. He was aptly named feather-boots. His main attraction that I saw was that this...
  6. Ravishaw

    butt joints

    Ok keep it clean... My question is for my perches. I used some little metal doodad to make a perch and under the weight of some real fat chickens it's starting to bend. I want to take a 2x6 and attach it to the stud in my coop to take the place of this doodad, and I have the crosscut saw...
  7. Ravishaw

    chicken bath (no pics.. :()

    So I've read up on giving chickens baths. So this morning when my hens lined up outside my back door for treats I tossed out a few grapes and picked up the white leghorn. I wrassled her over to the sink, put some warm water in it, a bit of dawn dish soap and started scrubbing her tummy, wings...
  8. Ravishaw

    I don't get these silly hens...

    We had a rooster for months... No hens went broody. Then the rooster attacked my daughter and landed a spot in the big coop in the sky. Now my hens are going broody. One hen just hatched out 9 chicks. The other hen is setting on unfertilized eggs but she doesn't care. I pulled them all out...
  9. Ravishaw

    my silly americaunas

    This morning I was putting my shoes on while I sat next to the back window. Sure enough, all my laying hens except the anti-social wynadottes were lined up along the window watching me. They were all hunkered down on their feet, almost like they were mimicking me. I looked down the line at...
  10. Ravishaw

    aye carumba, chicken math!!!

    We had 14 hens and a rooster. The rooster was problematic because he always attacked my kids. He was also really really randy. He went after my hens like he was the worlds only rooster. And let me say, he put some miles on the hens. After attacking my daughter one afternoon, the wife gave...
  11. Ravishaw

    Notes from Chicken Rebuttal Society (Updated with new pics post #22)

    3/20/2011 1) Little Suzie noticed that the pullets have combs that are beginning to turn red instead of pink. While CRS does not yet recognize the pullets as full fledged chickens it does acknowledge that they have made great leaps towards membership. They have kept their feathers...
  12. Ravishaw

    Note to my little pullet... I'm honored, but

    So last night I got home from work, and had to finish up the brooder. 9 chicks had grown from fluffy marshmallows to 9 big chicks in a suprisingly short time and the green tub was NOT enough space. I saw a dark shape move in the shadows near the coop so I went over to investigate. I guess one...
  13. Ravishaw

    bulletproof eggshell

    Ok I think it's one of my wynadottes. She lays a wonderful dark brown egg, and as my 3 wynadottes have gotten older the eggs have gone from rather modest in size to some real whoppers. I sell them to a nice lady at work and she's commented on how healthy the yokes are, and how wonderful the...
  14. Ravishaw

    This Belongs Here

    Minutes from Chicken Rebuttal Society
  15. Ravishaw

    Minutes from the Chicken Rebuttal Society

    3/14/2011 1)Meeting convened under house arrest! Subcommittee on domestic policies recognized that after 1 day locked in the chicken coop, that chicken crap stinks! Several Americaunas recommended that the Barred Rocks show more discretion about pooing in the water and food. Rhonda the Rhode...
  16. Ravishaw

    ACK! Don't look at me!

    this is when stink-eye takes on a whole new level. I've never disturbed a bathing chicken since.
  17. Ravishaw

    Finishing a brooder

    So I started a pretty grandiose brooder this evening. I have a finished 8'x4' 34" tall framed brooder. Don't ask me what exactly I plan on putting in there, but it's framed now. My question is for a brooder I'd like to be able to "plug it in" to a nearby outlet and have a switch inside that...
  18. Ravishaw

    Wrote this for a family news letter - whattya think?

    Well it’s been a quiet week, out here on the edge of Phoenix. We had a spell of rain that muddied up the yard and encouraged a hearty weed infestation. Ben is debating spraying and using the hula-hoe for removal. The hens it seems are above scratching up good hard working weeds and prefer to...
  19. Ravishaw

    What's changed???

    Yesterday I topped off the food, filled the water like I always do, and the little boogers went about like they always do. When I got home however, two hens came sprinting/flying to me. My dominant hen, a RIR actually came right up to me and squatted, silly girl. I picked her up, tussled...
  20. Ravishaw

    Aye carumba! Guess who's broody?

    My hens came in groups of 3's. 3 barred rocks, 3 americaunas, 3 RIRs and 3 anti-social wynadottes. And one of my wynadottes is brooding on 8 or 9 eggs. She has a good growl, but doesn't get too perturbed if I come up and pat her back or give her food. I had a feel under her the other day and...
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