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  1. alwaysthere4chickens

    What food do you use for grown quail?

    I have been looking everywhere and can't seem to find a good domestic quail feed for the adults. I know there is a game bird starter, is there game bird breeder? We also have pigeons and doves who wouldn't mind sharing feed with the quail if needed. What do you use for you quail? Game bird feed...
  2. alwaysthere4chickens

    Sleepy, and uninterested in food, Dark Brahma

    We have a Dark Brahma hen that is very sleepy and not moving much. she hasn't eaten or drank at all this morning. She is not broody, and she's not standing in an egg bound position, So any Idea what she has and how to treat it?
  3. alwaysthere4chickens

    What kind of geese are these?

    Do you know what kind of geese these are? Are they domestic? I found them at the river hanging out with a Canadian goose.
  4. alwaysthere4chickens

    Broody, Broody

    Any ideas on how to break a broody? We have tried so much to get our hen to stop being broody. I have put her in a wire cage for 3 days and she still won't break. Thanks for any advice!
  5. alwaysthere4chickens

    What breeds are these 3 chicks?

    Any idea of what breed these three chicks are? We got them from Murdochs. They were supposed to be partridge rocks and Easter eggers, but I'm not sure.
  6. alwaysthere4chickens

    Hybrid/Pure Leghorns

    I thought that Leghorns were a pure breed but then I find that they are Hybrids? Are they Pure or Hybrid, I'm confused. :confused: @The Moonshiner
  7. alwaysthere4chickens

    The Brahma Lover Thread!

    Tell us what you love about your Brahmas, Post pictures, stories, information, and have fun! - Some of our dark brahmas- If you do not love Brahmas then this thread is not for you.
  8. alwaysthere4chickens

    Have you ever seen chicken poop like this?

    For a few days now I've been finding some sort of grainy poop. It's a big patch on the poop board. Any idea if this is poo is fine? (I do not know the chicken who made it.) :confused:
  9. alwaysthere4chickens

    Where do your chickens hide their eggs?

    I know that many of you have found hidden eggs at one point. Where did your poultry hide them and how many eggs did you find in the nest? Our White Leghorn, Patty escaped our run and ran into our barn to lay eggs in a box of wires way at the back of the workbench. She couldn’t get back into the...
  10. alwaysthere4chickens

    Post your Sunset and Landscape pics!

    Come Here and Share your landscape Pictures! They can be paintings, paper art, Photographs, or Drawings! I know I have a lot of sunset pictures.:)
  11. alwaysthere4chickens

    Fermenting chicken feed, Good idea?

    I have been looking for ways to lower our chicken feed bill and I came across the Idea of fermenting chicken feed. Does anyone use this method? Will chickens get drunk off of it? and is this a good idea? :confused:
  12. alwaysthere4chickens

    loss of pigment in egg!

    One of our Buff Orpingtons( I think it was a Buff Orp) has layed a white egg today. Normally they are brown like the egg on the left in this pic. The egg today has faint speckles and is an off-white/light tan color. Do you have any idea why it is so much lighter? It did get below freezing and...
  13. alwaysthere4chickens

    Editing photos, The difference.

    Here are some of my pictures before and after editing. The difference is interesting. before: after: Before: after:
  14. alwaysthere4chickens

    Color Scavenger Hunt

    This hunt is for colors! here is how it works. 1. Someone will post a name of any color or any two colors ex: red 2. The next people will post a picture with mostly those colors until someone says another color. (try to take this picture yourself instead of off the internet!)...
  15. alwaysthere4chickens

    Anything photography Thread

    Post any of your photos that you have been waiting to share! This is for everyone and anyone, (even if you are not that good at photography!:))
  16. alwaysthere4chickens

    Urgent! Chicken attacked by dog

    Help! My chicken flew over the fence and was attacked by the neighbor dog. She’s still alive but can’t walk. Is there anything we can do?
  17. alwaysthere4chickens

    Pullet or rooster?

    Can you tell if my 14 week Brown Leghorn is a Pullet or cockerel?
  18. alwaysthere4chickens

    Your Flock and Wildlife

    Hi,:frow I wanted to make a thread where you can tell about wildlife (especially other birds) interacting with your flock. Remember, The funnier the better! Here is a little story. Many times, a little sparrow will fly down near my chickens while they are free ranging when my flock starts...
  19. alwaysthere4chickens

    Water Balloons

    I have a friend who recently had a water balloon party at her house with her kids, and their 10 week old chickens ate some of the popped ones on the ground. The family had been feeding their chickens rose petals that look a lot like those water balloons. Will they be ok? Will they get a crop...
  20. alwaysthere4chickens


    We have been feeding out chickens crushed oats for a treat. Is that fine? Are they healthy? I have heard opinions that giving them oats can be really good and others said that it can be really bad. :hmm Do you have an opinion on this?
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