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  • Users: PurpleDaze
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  1. PurpleDaze

    Is my Hen Turning into a Roo?

    Why is my Hen doing this???
  2. PurpleDaze

    Predator help!

    We found an egg on the other side of our chicken coop in between the wood fence and the coop. The nesting boxes are 20ft away from where the egg was found. Something had to have climbed up the side of the coop, went into the hen house, in the nesting box 20 ft away, and the walk through the coop...
  3. PurpleDaze

    Normal poop???

    Should I be worried about this poop? She is the only one in the flock that has pooped like this, and this is the first time I've seen it. Thanks for any insight.
  4. PurpleDaze

    Shell-less Egg!!!

    We got our first shell-less egg today. It's so weird but so cool at the same time. It's super rubbery and feels like a bouncy ball. I believe it was from one of our Marans.
  5. PurpleDaze

    All things Rooster... I've got questions.

    Hello, I've been wondering if my 11 week old Buff Polish chick might be a roo. Since this is our first time ever having chickens I have some questions. (I have also posted pictures in another thread specifically asking thoughts on whether she is a pullet or roo. They said wait a few more weeks...
  6. PurpleDaze

    Buff Laced Polish, roo or pullet?

    So when we got this little girl at a day old she was small, much smaller than our Golden Laced Polish. So I'm also wondering if she might be a Bantam Polish? But she feathered out very slow, and her crest seems to be taking forever to grow out, unlike our other Polish. I started to wonder if...
  7. PurpleDaze

    What breeds are these chicks? Can you help me?

    I got assorted rares and I think I know what these chicks might be but I'm not sure. Any help would be truly appreciated! They are 7 weeks old now... Freckles (I believe is a Golden Laced Wyandotte?) Spaghetti ( I believe is a Barnevelder?) Scratchy ( I believe is an Easter Egger?)
  8. PurpleDaze

    Some questions, should I be worried?

    So I just noticed that one of my Marans has 6 toe nails, but only 4 toes. Is this a normal thing that happens? Should I be worried? Will this cause any issues you can think of?
  9. PurpleDaze

    Is this bullying???

    Hello all, I just saw this wound on the back of one of my chicks. Normally they don't seem to mess with eachother. Or is she pulling out her own feathers? Also, is there anything I can put on it so it heals faster? Should I separate her from the rest while she heals? First time chicken owner...
  10. PurpleDaze

    I got 10 assorted rares!

    I have figured some out on my own but a few have left me guessing, could you possibly help? Also, if you think any might be a Cockerel please let me know, thank you! They are 5 weeks old. Baldy Henrietta Gwendolyn Scratchy Happy Feet Freckles Spaghetti Nugget...
  11. PurpleDaze

    3 week old chick, clear slim/mucus in mouth. Help!

    Hello, My 3 week old Olive Egger has been down and out for the past 4-5 days. She was not drinking or eating and would just stand under the heat lamp with her eyes closed, neck tucked in, wings a little droopy, and feathers a little fluffy. At first I thought she just needed some nutridrench so...
  12. PurpleDaze

    I think my week old Polish is sick...

    A little back story, a couple of my 24 chicks had watery poop with some blood in it. I went and bought Corid and we are on day 4 of the 5 day treatment. Up until know, every chick has been very lively and eating and drinking just fine. My little Polish has been on the small side since we got...
  13. PurpleDaze

    Hello! 😊

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Yes, I am new to chickens. We have 24 chicks, 17 that are 2 weeks old and 7 that are 1 week old. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 24 chicks (3) What breeds do you have? We have a lot of different breeds... 2 Majesty...
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