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  • Users: Foleys
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  1. Foleys

    Egg Laying????? PIC heavy.

    Ok I know I have posted this before but I didnt get much feed back. I think my chickens are about 20 weeks old now and from what I am hearing they start about this age. Well the thing is is that mine have NOT and it is driving me crazy. We are not sure but we think we have only one hen but from...
  2. Foleys

    Well my chickens have not layed...

    any eggs yet nor have any of the 5 crowed. We are thinking thay are about 18- 20 weeks old now. Any suggestions why they are not laying yet?
  3. Foleys


    I can not wait till my hens give me some.. I tell them everyday please please give me a egg and they still have not. I spoil them alot to make them happy and still no egss.. When do they start laying??
  4. Foleys

    I am so mad right now.........:(

    I am so mad right now I could just scream . So my birthday is on the 17th of this month which is like a week and a half away. So anyways my mother in law, sister in law and I was susposed to go get pedicures and they were going to pay for mine. Well today my sister in law had a dr. appointment...
  5. Foleys

    Please read and help if you can!!!! UPDATE

    We have a German Shepard mix that has been very sick for this is the third day now. He has been throwing up,has the runs and will not eat anything including treats. He has a tempature of 103.6 he has not had his shots yet because we have been a little short on money lately and just had him at...
  6. Foleys

    My Chicken Raising Journal..

    Ok today is June 1 we have had our chicken just over a month now and I must say it has been plesent raising them. We have not had many problems so far. The one problem we did have was with our Roo. He had (dry) Fowl pox. We took the advise of our fellow chicken raisers on here and washed his...
  7. Foleys

    Am I feeding the right stuff to my chickens..

    Ok we got our chickens at about 10-12 weeks(guessed age) and started them on Starter food and some bread here and there for treats. We did that for about 2 weeks now we have them on a starter and cracked corn mix.. Is that right?? And can a roo eat layer food for the future or do we have to feed...
  8. Foleys

    Quick ?????

    When do cockreals start crowing????
  9. Foleys

    I found this about moltin in pellets for those who r new

    The pullet The chick goes through one complete and three partial moults during its growth to point of lay, after which the mature bird normally undergoes one complete moult a year, usually in autumn although this depends on the time of the year at which the bird commenced laying. Generally...
  10. Foleys

    I just have a quick question

    Do chickens shead like dogs and cats and then grow more feathers??? Mine are losing a feather here and there nothing bad they dont have any bald spots so I was just wondering if they shead.
  11. Foleys

    Just wondering if

    chickens pick things off of eachother or is mine pecking at eachother?
  12. Foleys

    Beautiful Fused Glass Art... Pic Heavy

    Please repost in Auction format
  13. Foleys

    Share family picture time!!!!!

    Ok so I just wanted to get to know my BYC friends a lil more and for you'all to know me and my family more... Me and My hubby My son(Christian) happy cause he got what he wanted. A rabbit he named him Fluffy. Fluffy is a dwarf rabbit. His step sister (Zoe) and rabbit number two. Named Chico...
  14. Foleys

    I am almost positive it is (Dry) Fowl pox final update!!

    So I am almost 100% sure it is Dry fowl pox. In a different post I posted some pics but they were a little blurry. Here are some more that are a little better. I also went out and sat with him today and noticed he was still eating but he was closing his eyes which I have never seen him do...
  15. Foleys

    Ok this is going on the 3rd week having thease

    and they have grown a bit. Male or Female? This one we now call MaMa so hope it is female...
  16. Foleys

    I am not sure if I shoud be worried!!!

    Sense this is our first time and every thing is still new when you look at this roo dose anything look out of the normal??
  17. Foleys

    So I let

    My Roo out of the run for the first time sense he has been put in. We will see if he gives me troubles getting back in for bed hopefully he goes right back in . Will give update.
  18. Foleys

    Any one wanna share their expieriences on raising chickens together??

    OK we will see how this will turn out not sure if anyone will reply or want to join in but we will give it a try.. First I wanna share how I got my 4 10-12 week old chickens.. Me and Hubby were out of town last Saterday and most of Sunday. When we got home my mother in-law comes to us and says "...
  19. Foleys

    So my son says to me

    the other day " Mom can we shoot one of the chickens so we can eat it for dinner?" I said NO they are not to eat they will be giving us eggs. He said " but if we only shoot one we will still have he just turned 7.. just thought that this was funny..
  20. Foleys

    How much bread

    Is to much?? I give mine some everyday to try to tame them.
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