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  1. notherearenttoomany

    3 chicks hatched by broody hen

    One of my 13 month-old Black Australorp girls went hard core broody in early April and since I couldn’t break her, I decided to give her all the eggs laid on Saturday, May 17. She sat tight on 8 eggs but since she insisted on brooding in the favorite nest box, eggs were added daily. The...
  2. notherearenttoomany

    Vent still bleeding after prolapse

    My 1-year old EE, Tonks, has had some vent issues lately. I posted for help on another thread (link below), which includes more details. Details: She prolapsed a few days ago and I’ve been treating it...
  3. notherearenttoomany

    Hen with bloody cloaca

    Hello chicken experts! I’ve been finding broken eggs in the laying boxes and a few out in the yard for a few weeks now. The egg always seemed normal, but the shell remains were very thin. I figured out it was my one year old Easter Egger hen, Tonks, when I found her carrying eggs out of the...
  4. notherearenttoomany


    I’ve looked through several threads on here and am still uncertain what to do. I found this (pictured) hanging off a frozen poo the other day and something similar again today. 1. Are these worms? 2. What do I do about it? What wormer is best f I’ve read that oral is best, but I’m not sure...
  5. notherearenttoomany

    When to add a heater?

    Texan here. We have a colder than usual cold snap upon us—teens and single digits are uncommon for us. We have several days ahead with very low (for us) temps with precipitation. The low Monday is 2 degrees. My question is, do the girls need a heater? Typically, the chickens are out...
  6. notherearenttoomany

    Problem with laying?

    I recently saw a video on this site created by a poultry science dept at one of the universities and it shows the process an egg goes through before laying. It’s amazing and I’d like to show my kids, but now I cant find it. Anyone know where I can locate that video?
  7. notherearenttoomany

    Swollen, pale comb

    I have a 5 month old black australorp with a pale, swollen comb. My BA girls are shy and don’t interact with me much, so I’m not sure when this started. I noticed a few days ago and have watched for changes. It does seem slightly more swollen today than when I first noticed. I’ve seen her...
  8. notherearenttoomany

    Use of sling for broken leg

    I have a chicken with either a broken or severely sprained leg. I have her contained in a small crate with food and water to limit her movement. I’ve read on here that a sling is the best option to take the weight off, but I haven’t found the answers to a few clarifying questions. I can make...
  9. notherearenttoomany

    Advice as pullets approach laying age

    I’ve had two laying hens for several years and added a variety 16 chicks this spring—15 pullets, one cockerel. The flock of 18 free ranges together all day and have been for some time. The layers return to the coop to lay, and all come and go for food/water throughout the day. At 15 weeks...
  10. notherearenttoomany

    Rosters to hens

    I’m wondering if I should add a rooster to my flock? Here’s my situation: We have 2 mature, laying, medium-sized hens and 16 12-week old mixed type chicks. One of the youngsters is a rooster. So 18 chickens at a 17:1 ratio. They are in a large, secure 8x10 house at night and free range on...
  11. notherearenttoomany

    Barred Rock—pullet or roo?

    I’ve got 6 barred rocks just past 12 weeks. One is very clearly and obviously a roo. 4 of them have small combs and waddles with no pink showing, so assume pullets. But then there’s one with larger waddles and more pink, but nothing like the young rooster. Its coloring and legs are the same...
  12. notherearenttoomany

    Sexing Easter Egger Chicks

    Hello! My 4 EE chicks are 7-8 weeks. I’ve got my thoughts based on what I’ve learned here but would love for others to chime in. Who’s a guy and who’s a gal?
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