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  1. H

    Brahma hen

    I have been asked to take in a Brahma dark hen. Does anyone have one of these? Is it worth keeping? Are they easy to maintain or are they difficult to look after? We are in England so it’s wet quite a lot. Also, I am planning to take on another 4 chickens (3 Orpingtons and one barred rock) what...
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    Add a pair of young hens

    Hi! At the moment, we have 6 chickens in total which are nearly 18 weeks old. 3 of them are cockerels which are being rehomed tomorrow. We are now left with a buff Orpington, a silkie and black rock. I wanted to replace the cockerels with a pair of hens similar in age. 1. is this ok? 2. if...
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    13-14 week old cockerel or hen?!

    Hi, is this grey chicken a cockerel or hen? Haven’t heard it crow yet but the polish is nice and loud 🙈
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    Cockerel or rooster?!

    Hi guys! These chicks are nearly 12 weeks old. Which ones do you think is a cockerel?
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    Roo or a Hen?

    These guys are 6 weeks old and very close to moving outdoors, what do you think these two are? Roo or a hen?
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    Tripod drinker

    So I’m planning to buy a drinker for the run once the chicks are old enough, I was wondering if anyone has this tripod drinker... What do you think?
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    Skin showing

    So this little Sussex cross is 3 weeks old, I noticed that it doesn’t have much feathers! Is that normal? Here are some pics
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    Only this big run... hope it will be ok... advice please

    So! I was measuring my garden, it’s an odd shape. I can only fit in a 6ft by 13ft run. Is this big enough for 4 bantams, 2 Sussex cross and one buff Orpington? If we find out any of the chicks are roosters then they will be gone. I will be free ranging them everyday except when I go away and...
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    So angry with omlet!

    Hi! I ordered a walk-in chicken run from omlet a while ago, now it’s not coming until the 19th August!! I am sooo disappointed! now I need to search for something similar and get it ordered. I have slabbed paving, slightly uneven. I found this online...
  10. H

    Grandpas feeder or what??

    Hi! I’ve been reading and watching so many reviews on the grandpas feeder! I don’t know what to do, it sounds very noisy to me as well as being scary for the chickens. what do you think? What’s an alternative? It’s got great reviews but soooo expensive!
  11. H

    Walk in run from eBay UK

    Hi! Was wondering if anyone had bought a walk in run from eBay? I’ve ordered a walk in run from omlet as it’s easy to dissemble. I am looking for one that can be dissembled easily too and work ok on slightly uneven slabs.
  12. H

    Only largest size run I can buy

    Hi! I just wanted to find out which size run should I buy? I will be going away for 6 days, someone will be coming to visit to sort out food and water not let them out of their run. Option 1:11ft in length, 5 ft in Width Option 2:14ft in length, 5 ft in Width can I get away with option 1? (It’s...
  13. H

    Omlet low rise run

    Does anyone have a Omlet low rise run? I’ve ordered a 11ft in length run, wanted to know if anyone had trouble getting in and out. I’m 5ft
  14. H

    Too big?

    So is 16ft in length and 8ft wide chicken run big enough for 5 bantams and 1 buff Orpington? I will be letting them free range every day for an hour or more if I’m around otherwise they will be in the run, I will have a swing, 2 perches, 2 dust bath places.
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    I have 6 chicks, someone wants to give me 3 more...0

    Hi! So I have ordered a an Eglu cube with 3 metre run. At the moment the chicks I have are... 1 polish 2 Sussex 1 buff Orpington 2 silkies how many more can I fit in the coop? Also, would you recommend to add one more metre of run? Does anyone have pics of their Eglu run that’s 4 metres?
  16. H

    How often do you add water in lockdown?!

    Hi! I have a brinsea eco manual incubator. So I’m finally on lockdown, how often do you add water?? i can see there is an external bit where you can add water too, so I’ve filled up the inside and this external one. Is that too much? How long will this amount last? so so nervous!!
  17. H

    Two eggs added with a earlier hatching date to my eggs

    day one of incubation for my Poland eggs was 30Th May. I candled all the eggs on day 7 and looked except a couple so I decided to buy two Silkie eggs separately and put them with mine .Now they are due to hatch on the 17th 🤦🏽‍♀️ for my eggs today, it’s day 16 (14th June) For the those which...
  18. H

    First timer homeschool Hatcher!

    Hi everyone! I’m Oorooj from London. I’m a homeschooler and a Birth Doula! So currently, we look after chicken and ducks in our local community garden. This inspired me to hatch my own chickens! So went on eBay, bought fertilised eggs, all the equipment and ready to start! need lots of...
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