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  • Users: BakkDad
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  1. BakkDad

    Crust on outer eggshell

    My easter egger started laying this past Dec. Her eggs look like the photo with this raised, rough textures randomly positioned on the outer shell. All other hens' egss are normal. All hens are the same age. Any ideas what this is? Cause?
  2. BakkDad

    Winter Feeding

    I'm writing to solicit input from anyone re: specific and/or different diets for the hens during the winter months. My hens are 5 months old (not yet laying). We got light snow today and it's been colder over the past few weeks. I've heard a few different opinions about food for the...
  3. BakkDad

    Suet Blocks for Treats?

    I notice the feed stores sell Flock Blocks which are on the pricey side. I'm wondering if the store bought suet cakes sold for birds would be suitable for chickens? Thank you
  4. BakkDad

    Dusting Preference

    My hens are now 13 weeks old. I built an octagonal "dusting box" for them which includes a mixture of coarse sand and ashes from a fire pit with occasional DE mixed in. They use it occasionally, but when I let them out (free range) they love dusting in soil that's moist. There can be a large...
  5. BakkDad


    Perhaps flies are a necessary evil with chicken flocks. I read a recommendation to spray solution of 1:1 (vinegar:water) all over ground, coop floor and perches. Been doing that for 2.5 months now. Doesn't seem to have much effect. Flies disappear for 5 min. then are back. I know focus...
  6. BakkDad

    Scratch food vs. Starter (crumbles)

    My chicks are 10 weeks old now. Up until a week ago I only fed them crumbles/starter with occasional treats. Last week I bought some scratch food and have that and the crumbles available to them. Since then they mostly eat the scratch food. Is it OK to leave them to it, or should I pull the...
  7. BakkDad

    Help Confirm Breeds

    My chicks are now 10 weeks old. I chose the breeds from a list the hatchery provided. If you could review the images and help me ID the breeds I'd appreciate it. Here's what I think I have: 1. All Black - Black maran sex link 2. Brown/ Tan - Araucana (2 in photo) 3. Black with white...
  8. BakkDad

    The First 7 Weeks and My Approach

    I thought it might be helpful to share my experience as a "newbie" chicken wrangler with other chick parents to be. These aren't recommendations since I don't feel I've done this long enough to be a self proclaimed authority on the subject, but merely how I set things up and where I'm at today...
  9. BakkDad

    Coop Door Opener / Automatic - Recommendations

    Looking for recommendations for auto coop door opener. Hoping to hear feedback from folks that have used a specific type.. i.e. pros / cons. I have a coop door installed to slide open and closed and currently using a rope accessible from the outside. So I don't need the entire door mechanism...
  10. BakkDad

    How long to feed chick starter food?

    Just wanted to confirm. I was told by the person that sold me my chicks that I should feed them the chick starter food until they start laying. Does this represent a majority opinion? The chicks are 4 weeks old now and still on the starter. Of course I mix in treats like lettuce, cucumber...
  11. BakkDad

    Chickens Rooming with Quail

    Any feedback on folks that have attempted co habitating hens with quail? Same coop / pen. I know quail require different feed, but I was curious.
  12. BakkDad

    Allow chicks into run area

    HI, I have 8 chicks that are a week old today. Currently they are confined to a sectioned off portion of the coop with a heat lamp. There are no other chickens, just the 8 all the same age. My question...when (at what age) can I allow them to roam freely inside the Pen/Run area? I've...
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