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  1. The Backyard Bantams

    Silkie laid an eggy at only 22 weeks?

    So my five little silkie girls have started squatting as of a week or two. I was quite suprised, as they are only 5 1/2 months or so. I can't be sure of who pooped the beautiful nugget, but i know it was one of them. Lulu (my duccle) lays rounder, creamier eggs. Although it wasn't completely...
  2. The Backyard Bantams

    5 week old silkie chick with wry neck :((

    I just checked on my little ones to find that one of them has wry neck. I just lost my most precious silkie hens a month ago from some kind of neurological issue and wry neck. I had checked on them probably an hour beforehand, he has not been exhibiting any symptoms for long. My nine others are...
  3. The Backyard Bantams

    Sneezing two week old sikie chicks (otherwise healthy and active?)

    Hey everybirdy! I recently got 10 silkie chicks that were about 4 days old. They are probably almost two weeks now. Everyone is very, very active and they appear healthy, but I've just noticed but they are all sneezing occasionally. It's enough for me to be concerned. Their poop is normal, they...
  4. The Backyard Bantams

    Neurological issues, vision impairment and irritation from mites.

    I'd put in some videos of her behavior, not sure how to insert. I can use instagram or my photos.
  5. The Backyard Bantams

    Help! Respitory disease in my flock?

    I have a flock of 10 banties. 3 are new hens I introduced from a breeder about 2 weeks ago. I've noticed since then they all have snotty beaks. A couple also have gurgly breathing. No one seems critically ill, but I don't want it getting worse. Today I mixed in some multi-vitamin, probiotics...
  6. The Backyard Bantams

    Egg pippping at DAY 15!

    Hi all! I got 12 fertilized eggs for incubating. 6 (extremely rare) wyandotte bantams, 6 mixed d'uccles. I candled them at day 6 and almost threw them all out. I thought none of the wyandottes had developed, but I retried SEVERAL times, and managed to find 6 that were alive. 2 wyandotte, 4...
  7. The Backyard Bantams

    Dreaming of raising quail in my tiny urban backyard...eggs.....but meat??!’s the middle of the night.....ok this sounds weird, but I’ve basically watched a dozen or so quail butchering videos...I’m going crazy in quarantine... I’ve only had chickens for 6 months! I dove in head first and don’t regret it! I currently have 3 bantam hens, an (illegal) sweet (but...
  8. The Backyard Bantams

    Dreaming of quail in my tiny urban backyard...eggs.....but meat....???!

    Thought I’d add this to the meat birds thread, if it’s relevant.’s the middle of the night.....ok this sounds weird, but I’ve basically watched a dozen or so quail butchering videos...I’m going crazy in quarantine... I’ve only had chickens for 6 months! I dove in head first and don’t...
  9. The Backyard Bantams

    Dreaming of raising quail in my tiny backyard....eggs..... but....meat????!’s the middle of the night.....ok this sounds weird, but I’ve basically watched a dozen or so quail butchering videos...I’m going crazy in quarantine... I’ve only had chickens for 6 months! I dove in head first and don’t regret it! I currently have 3 bantam hens, an (illegal) sweet (but...
  10. The Backyard Bantams


    I have a chooken who I just noticed has some raised scales at the top of her footsies. Is this a mild cas of SLM?? How do I treat it at home?? Will it spread, and is it dangerous??
  11. The Backyard Bantams

    Just how early can you sex silkies? Can you get an idea from their feathers or comb?

    Here’s my example; a 4 week old, non-bearded buff and white silkie Bub, who I have a strong hunch is a girl. Her wings look female, no comb growth whatsoever, I’ve heard of a test where you carefully flip them upside down, (boys kinda sit there, girls flip), she tested female for that...... so...
  12. The Backyard Bantams

    When can my chicks graduate to outdoors?

    Hi! About 2 1/2 weeks ago, I spontaneously got 7 chicks. I got them from a slightly sketchy guy....he lied about the price and colouring........but that's way too long to put here. For the whole crazy story that will give some context...
  13. The Backyard Bantams

    Aracuana, Amercuana and Easter Egger thread

    Hey, would anyone like a thread on these 3? I have 2 EE chicks and a lavender aracuana. I'd love to chat about them!
  14. The Backyard Bantams

    The story of how I got my fuzzy nuggets! here’s the tale.... We got 7 little chicks 2 weeks ago, 4 silkies, a lavender Araucana and 2 EE girls (the EEs were professionally vent sexed.) I was planning on only getting bantams, but the EEs and Araucana were just so cute... I told myself I would be decisive, not waste time, and...
  15. The Backyard Bantams

    Is this normal? Scraggly little silkie bubs.

    Hi! I have 4 little silkie chicks (3-4 weeks) I don’t think the guy I got them from was a registered breeder, but he had a serious amount of chickens. I got 3 other chicks too. So, I’ve had them 2-3 weeks, they all seem happy and healthy so far, but when I look up silkie chicks, they are...
  16. The Backyard Bantams

    Help!!! Chick just pooped orange gloop?

    HI I am very new to raising chicks but not sure I really this is normal. My 3 week old EE girl just pooped and it looks really weird. It’s the middle of the night and I can’t do much right now. It doesn’t look like a caecal poop, do chicks even do those? Hopefully I’m wrong. It looks orange and...
  17. The Backyard Bantams

    Help! Cockerel gasping!

    Hi! I have a 8 or so month old cockerel (not yet crowing) called Poppy. We will have to rehome him soon bc we are not allowed roos. Recently he has been gasping a little. At first I thought it was only when I picked him up, but I think he does it when he’s down too. I thought he might just be...
  18. The Backyard Bantams

    Aracuana tuft gene

    I've heard of this thing that kills aracuana chicks. Can someone please explain? I have a lavender Araucana chick, almost 2 weeks old. She is not rumpless but has a pompom on her head, and puffy cheeks. She seems healthy. Is she going to be ok?
  19. The Backyard Bantams

    Raising chicks to be friendly

    A day ago got 7 little chicks. I want to raise them to be super friendly and maybe have one as a partial house chicken. I have 3 of my silkie babies snuggling up on my lap with a hot water bottle as I am writing this. They are all asleep. The silkies (4 of them) are about a week old and aren't...
  20. The Backyard Bantams

    Uhhh....why does my Easter egger have a fifth toe?

    So yesterday I got my first batch of chicks! I got 7, 4 different coloured silkies (1 week old), 1 lavender Araucana (1 week), a gold laced EE, and a silver laced. The EE are 2 and a bit weeks old, I was told, and they are much bigger than the other chicks (but I don’t think that’ll cause me a...
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