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  1. BarelyBirding

    Sick hen, paleness, lethargic and spot on tongue

    One of my year and a half old black sexlink hens is sick. There is definitely something going on but I’m not sure what. She has been a bit lethargic lately, but still eats and drinks and gets around fine. Her comb and wattles are pale, and when I looked inside her mouth she had a nasty red spot...
  2. BarelyBirding

    ISO Pigeon eggs

    I am wondering if anyone has some fertile pigeon eggs they are willing to sell? I will pay for the eggs and overnight shipping costs if anyone is interested! Also if you don’t sell eggs, but know anyone who does id love it if you could point me in their direction! I‘m Interested in these eggs...
  3. BarelyBirding

    ISO Pigeon eggs

    Anyone have any fertile pigeon eggs they are willing to sell, or can anyone point me in the direction of anyone that sells them? I know shipping them is risky, but I’m willing to buy from anyone whose willing to sell. I don’t care of the breed.
  4. BarelyBirding

    Chick with a sexlink mom and a non sexlink dad?

    This may be a dumb question, but I’m not too bright when it comes to chicken genes or sexlinks. I recently hatched some chicks from my hens. I have one rooster who is breeding them, and he’s a white sultan. One of my hens whom egg I hatched is a black sexlink. So, im curious if I would be able...
  5. BarelyBirding

    Crevecoeur Chickens, Male/female?

    Hi, these two are my roughly 16 week old Crevecoeur chickens, I think the one with the spikey hairdo Is a cockerel, but I’ve never heard it crow, or even attempt to crow. All my other chickens that are cockerels have crowed already. It’s got a tiny bit of red on it’s waddles, but no visible...
  6. BarelyBirding

    8 week old bantam chick, probable oegb, breed/color?

    Hi, I got this bird from atwoods about 8 weeks ago, when he was a little chick he was all yellow with a tiny bit of blue on his wings and a small black spot on his back. Now he looks like this! I’m pretty sure he is an old English bantam, but I have no idea what color he is. I’ve been playing...
  7. BarelyBirding

    Should I vaccinate my week old chicks for marek's?

    So I just got 12 little chicks in the mail on Thursday. I must note that this is my first time having chickens, but not birds. I keep pigeons as pets. I had already purchased the vaccines for them before I ordered. I ordered from Ideal hatcheries, and their website told me its best not to...
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