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  1. G

    Lucy’s eggs are getting smaller and smaller!!!

    I have an Easter egger hen who is approximately 3.5 years old. She started molding in Nov. and hadn’t laid an egg since then until 2 days ago. Her regular size is between 55.6 & 60 grams per egg. Day before yesterday I found an egg from her. I got a big laugh about it and att her expense because...
  2. G

    Sultan roo keeps having trouble with his feet

    My 8 mon old Sultan roo is a very healthy happy guy but this is like the third time he’s had little spots on his feet where the girls are picking at his feet and making them bleed. I think he might be getting things stuck in the feathers on his feet and they might be trying to pick the shavings...
  3. G

    Frizzle is 30 weeks and has not laid an egg yet. Should I be concerned?

    I have a teeny tiny little 30 weeks old frizzle pullet. She is the only one of my girls I got as babies in April that isn’t laying. Should I be worried??? Honestly I don’t care if she doesn’t produce eggs she a sweetheart and she doesn’t have to earn her keep. She’s so little she doesn’t cost...
  4. G

    Need help determining my breeds of chickens please

    I got 4 of these as adult chickens from my niece and the others I bought as chicks from tractor supply. Any help with what they are will be appreciated. I’m pretty sure I have a sultan roo and a bantam Cochin roo and a bantam Cochin pullet. I think my 2 white ones might be leghorns but not sure...
  5. G

    I’ve lost my question I posted

    I hope someone can tell me how I find a question I posted a couple of months ago. I can’t find it and don’t see any notifications that anyone responded to my question
  6. G

    These ones I can’t figure out what breed they are

    I sure hope those of you out there with a lot more chicken experience than I have can help me identify the needs for these crazy chickens.
  7. G

    I need help determining breeds for these chickens/roos

    First 2 are roo’s that we didn’t know were roo’s until they started to crow. No idea what breeds they are. And I have 2 of the white ones. I bought 12 “pullets” at tractor supply and ended up with 4 roosters. I have to get pictures of my other 2 roo’s I’m almost positive Popeye is a Cochin. No...
  8. G

    Help me get rid of my nightly visitors!!!!!

    I am at my wits end. We tried to figure out what was getting into the chicken run and coops. Bought a trail cam and it’s rats!!!! And OMG there are quite a few!! Please tell me there is hope to get rid of them. The neighbors cats are trying but I think there’s too many. I know the exterminator...
  9. G

    Getting my chickens finally

    I've been asking my hubby for chickens for several years. I think he thought it would be like the horse I wanted, I'd give up if he ignored the idea long enough. FAT CHANCE. when I was a child we had chickens and bunnies. My daughter and her family had chickens and my grandson Jaxon absolutely...
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