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  1. K

    "Extra" juvenile molt and protein needs?

    My hens are about 7 months old. They are showing signs of a light molt with downy feather shedding around neck and bottoms, and consensus in past forum posts seems to indicate that hens sometimes experience an additional juvenile molt like this around this age. They all started laying about 6...
  2. K

    Chickens not going into coop....only since cold snap?

    We have a flock of 4 hens, all about 21 weeks old. They picked up going into the coop to roost at night within a couple of days of being moved outside this Fall. They did so daily without a single issue, until our recent cold and snowy weather. Almost every night for the past few weeks we find...
  3. K

    Food Storage Ideas

    What systems/containers do you prefer for storing feed and supplements/treats and keeping them fresh? We will store food in the walkout of our basement.. We currently store wild bird food in the same area in covered plastic buckets, but we'll have things like scratch in much smaller quantities...
  4. K

    Fixing gaps in flooring?

    We are almost done building our first coop and we've run into one problem that has us a bit stumped. The floor in the coop is over a portion of the run. Our cutting skills fell short and our floor isn't quite square. I was planning to caulk all the edges, but some of the worse areas have gaps of...
  5. K

    Chicago Chickens

    My name is Jessica. My family and I live in Chicago and just got our first chickens! We have four chickens that are currently six weeks old: two barred rocks, one light brahma, and one silver laced wyandotte. We're excited for them to start laying in the Spring and enjoy their fun personalities...
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