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  • Users: L7 Farm
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  1. L7 Farm

    One of my Hens takes a looooooong time to lay

    My best egg layer (most frequent, biggest eggs, great shells, etc.) (Hortence) also takes a loooooong time to lay, like hours each morning, sometimes *all* morning. We have only six hens (limited by local ordinance) and have two nesting boxes in the coop, and when their cycles get in synch, as...
  2. L7 Farm

    "Hen" "Crowing" - reassure me she's a she, or disabuse me of my notion (Blue-Laced Red Wyandotte)

    Meet beautiful Yetta, our Blue-laced Red Wyandotte. She was a bonus chick in our first spring brood. She's about 21 weeks now...and she started crowing two weeks ago. And we are not allowed to have roosters in our town (the law says roosters, not crowing fowl, fortunately). Now, in reading...
  3. L7 Farm

    Two interesting predator alert behaviors in our mini flock - sight and sound

    We have a small flock of six (limited by town ordinance, alas) we have a nice run for in the middle of our two acres of old farmlet, stuck in a suburb. A couple of cute things I noticed this week: - we're in the flight path of two airports (not as bad as it sounds, traffic is light); when a...
  4. L7 Farm

    Pallet as a roost - why didn't I think of this before?

    I'd read about using old pallets as building materials for coops (we have a ton of them) and had hatched a plan to build a pallet-coop, but we decided since our town actually required building permits and a plan (it only reauthorized chicken keeping last year) we'd be safer with the permit...
  5. L7 Farm

    And still another breed ID help request...! Blue Ameracauna?

    We got a small lot of Barred Plymouth Rocks to fill some vacancies in our relatively young flock (last hatchery delivered 1 DOA and two dead within a day, it looked like a rough trip, so we ordered much closer to home this time and they all arrived fit as a fiddle). This gal was the "bonus...
  6. L7 Farm

    Interesting Behaviors - flock newly set outside, walks the fence line, while another one "pounces" like a border collie

    We've just set our small flock outside a couple of days ago, and today they got the first full run of their big enclosed yard outside their coop (had to finish a few touches on the humans door), which is fenced in but fairly substantial (town won't allow free-ranging, but we have a couple of...
  7. L7 Farm

    YAMCIQ (Yet Another Mystery Chick Identification Query)

    Mystery chick ID request. She came in a batch of Buff Orpington chicks and is pretty obviously not a Buff Orpington. My wife grew up raising chickens on her parents' farm, but they had mostly Rhodies and Leghorns, so she has declined to hazard a guess. We only recently started keeping chickens...
  8. L7 Farm

    Howdy from L7 Farm

    Heighdy ho We are a micro farm in upstate New York, surrounded by the suburbs but adjacent to about 1000 acres of open space. The town we are in, despite having been predominantly a farming community for most of its existence, banned chickens a couple of decades ago as the suburbs took over. We...
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