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  • Users: MegsEggsx
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  1. MegsEggsx

    I am writing an article about chickens going broody! Would love some input!

    Heyyyy, As said in the title I am writing an article about chickens going broody, it is mainly about what to do if you don't want them to hatch eggs. I'd love if anyone with any advice, input, or experience to share their ideas! I will quote people. Also, any pictures of broody chickens, broody...
  2. MegsEggsx

    What breeds should I chose?

    So we are thinking about buying a holiday house (not too far away from where I live) and my parents said that if we buy it we can have chickens there. There will be a cleaner and other people that can maintain their needs. I have 10 chickens at my normal house. I already have a silkie roo that...
  3. MegsEggsx

    Do I just rehome him or replace him with a girl? Need some advice.

    Hello all! I have a little dilemma! I bought 3 1-week old silkies back in November 2020. I bought them from a woman that breeds and sells chicks, when we bought them she told us that if we got a boy we could return them and replace the boys for girls if we couldn't keep them (it is illegal to...
  4. MegsEggsx

    Helping My Girls Through Their First Molt!!!

    Heyyy, I have been expecting this for a little while, there have been signs like misshaped eggs and slowing of egg production. I was pretty excited when I noticed today that my Langshan bantam Meg had began molting! At the moment it is just her but I think her 2 sisters will begin very soon, and...
  5. MegsEggsx

    NEED HELP!!! My poor girl is broody and starving herself, lost a lot of weight, trying to stop her from being broody

    Hi all! I have a bantam hen that is broody, she has been broody for about 2 weeks. Her eggs are infertile because we have no rooster. I was planning on just letting her wait it out but after the first week I could see she was loosing weight fast so I decided to put her in the broody cage. She...
  6. MegsEggsx

    What breed are these?

    Hi all! Went to this place today that had a flock of chickens roaming around. There was about 10 of them they had a silkie rooster and about 5 other Silkie girls. They had these three gorgeous little girls that I was wondering what breed they are! Thanks in advance!
  7. MegsEggsx

    Is it possible...

    I have a 23 week old Silkie cockerel who I love so much but unfortunately, I can't have roosters in my area (because of crowing). The person I bought him off as a week old chick with his 2 sisters, offered to take any back that were males. I have 7 older hens, 3 docile yet cranky langshan...
  8. MegsEggsx

    Uhhh We are not expecting babies! Is this fertile?

    So I cracked open this egg to give to my dog as a treat and then noticed this little white dot in the middle of it. I know that can mean it is fertile, but I have never had fertile eggs before because we only have a 23 week old silkie boy and 7 hens and 2 little silkie girls the same age as the...
  9. MegsEggsx

    Strangely Shaped Eggs

    I know that abnormal eggs are common. But this was the third one this week, they are from the same girl, a black sex-link. All three of the eggs are the same; large eggs, normal egg colour for that hen, pretty thick shell, they have almost a band around the middle and it is not shaped round and...
  10. MegsEggsx

    I love her poof but...

    I have 3 22 week old Silkies and I have been wondering for a while whether I should trim their hair fluff or not. I love their fluffy heads but one of them I can’t even see their eyes at all sometimes. Is this safe will it hurt them? If so how should I do it?
  11. MegsEggsx

    Blood on foot feather skin

    Hi all, Just noticed one of my little langshan bantams has a weird line of blood along her leg where her feathers should be it looks like they have been pulled out because there are very few feathers on her feet now. It is along both legs. She doesn’t seem to be in pain but I would still like to...
  12. MegsEggsx

    The Houdini Chicken Thread - Stories of your escapee chickens

    Well, I don't know about you but my chickens always seem to be escaping. No matter how much fencing I put up they always find a way. Especially my bantams who are particularly adventurous and small enough to fit through everything, and often find themselves in sticky situations of which I have...
  13. MegsEggsx

    Chicken drank pool water

    Our pool was being drained today and the water flowed down by the chicken coop and there are puddles everywhere even in the coop. I am really worried that they will drink it and get sick. Should I be worried?
  14. MegsEggsx

    Smelly and Muddy Coop

    We have been getting a lot of rain for a while and the floor of my coop gets pretty wet, and recently, very smelly. The run/coop is on the ground and is a mixture of the soil that was originally there, mulch, dead grass clippings and of course chicken poop. All layered, so I guess you could call...
  15. MegsEggsx

    Is the laying feed ok?

    I have 10 chickens, 7 of them are laying and the other 3 are silkies who are about 15 weeks old. I am not 100% sure of the genders of the silkies but I am pretty sure 1 is male and the other 2 are girls. They switched to the feed that I fed the rest of the flock when they were about 9 weeks old...
  16. MegsEggsx

    A Few Questions about Silkies!

    Question No 1: When do Silkies start laying? I know most birds lay at about 20 weeks, but Silkies lay later than that right? Question No 2: Whe do Silkies begin to crow? I need to know this so I can prepare to return my Silkie I bought as a 1 week old chick that I think is a boy. Question No...
  17. MegsEggsx

    Just Out of Curiosity - How Do You Fix a Broken Wing

    I don't have a chicken with a broken wing, but I was thinking about it today when I was watching my 12 week old Silkies flap about. How do you fix a broken wing if you can't get to a vet? Also, does it happen often?
  18. MegsEggsx

    The Secret Life of My Flock

    So I have been reading some threads of people that have started a thread about their chickens and update it everyday or so and share their stories about their chickens. And I thought to myself, why don’t I do that? So, here it is! During the COVID lockdown my dad said that as a doomsday...
  19. MegsEggsx

    Training my Young Silkies to Use a Ladder

    Hi BYC! So today I built a small platform for my 3 10 & 1/2 week old silkies because I took away their old 'brooder cage' from the coop. I plan to also build a wall beneath it for them to hide under because they get pecked by the other hens pretty badly sometimes. Here is a photo of the set up...
  20. MegsEggsx

    Ideas to Upgrade my Chicken Coop and Chicken Boredom Busters

    I have a bit on time on my hands at the moment and decided I wanted to decorate my chicken coop and their yard area with some things that can keep them entertained. We built the coop ourselves and at the time we were only planning on have 4-6 chickens but we fell in love with them and have ended...
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