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  1. E Buschjost

    Routine treatments

    Is there a routine or schedule for treatment (prevention) for my flock? Should I be immunizing them, giving them something to prevent illness or infections or common health problems? I haven’t treated them with anything and they’re 4 months old. They seem very healthy.
  2. E Buschjost

    Chickens dying help!!

    I can not figure out what is going on with our chickens. We have had two die and now a third one is acting the same way. They are fine the day before. on the morning of their death they get up and out of the coop but seem a little tired but still are active and moving around and then over a...
  3. E Buschjost

    Pullets won’t go in nesting box

    My 4 month old pullets have never gone into their nesting box. I wasn’t so worried about it yet and assumed they would find it when they started to want to “nest” and start laying which I calculated to be a few weeks off yet. Today I found an egg in the yard. No other chickens around. It was a...
  4. E Buschjost

    Grandpas feeder help

    What do you use for weights for lighter chickens and where do you place them? When do you remove them? I have the large feeder and my 6 week old chickens aren’t quite heavy enough yet to operate the treadle alone. We are on week 2 of training so they’re able to use it now but next week we close...
  5. E Buschjost

    Chick holding head sideways.

    Just bought several chicks from feed store. Approx 1 week old or less. All seemed ok when I picked them out. On way home I looked in box to check on them and one was holding its head sideways (eye facing upwards) and weak. Got them home and into brooder. Have them water with save-a-chick. Made...
  6. E Buschjost

    Can I introduce new babies in with my 2 wk olds??

    I have 5 babes that hatched two weeks ago in the brooder. I had hoped for a better batch rate but that didn’t happen. So today I bought 10 new babies from the feed store. I have them in separate brooders for right now but when and how will I be able to integrate them? If I did it right now...
  7. E Buschjost

    Listless chick. Need advice

    I have a 2 day old chick that seems listless. Walks, eats and drinks but not with the fervor of her peers. Seems tired. I’m not sure what to do to help her. Started after day 1.
  8. E Buschjost

    Does this brooder setup look ok?

    It is day 20 of incubation and we woke up to chirping!! We have an early bloomer and couldn’t be more excited and proud! I had my Mama Heat Pad made and supplies ready because today was “get the brooder ready” day! So with my early little smarty pants I hurriedly (only after RUNNING through...
  9. E Buschjost

    Need incubating advice.....

    On day 12 of incubation - have weighed each egg @ 6 days and now today. Individual weights decreasing on average by about 5.5% instead of the recommended 12%. Humidity is fairly stable (I have experimented with surface area etc trying to get it perfect 😞) Do you think they are ok or did I kill...
  10. E Buschjost

    New Missouri coop build questions

    Looked through several threads and didn’t find answers. Sorry if this has been answered before. Like the title said I’m in Missouri (central near Jefferson City) Planting zone 7 if that matters or relates. Getting ready to build coop. What side (direction) is best for window placement? How...
  11. E Buschjost

    Planting a garden for my chickens

    Since my hens will be kept in the run I want to provide plenty of foraging plants for them. I have seen raised beds covered by wire mesh to protect the grass seeds and roots while allowing the chickens to peck the tips. Has anyone done this? If so, could you describe or upload pics for me to see...
  12. E Buschjost

    Automatic Waterer hooked up to water spigot, heated hose.

    Hi all! I am designing my girls' watering system and wanted to see if anyone out there has made one that hooks up to the garden hose spigot (with a pressure regulator) and in the winter used a heated garden hose to keep it from freezing? I am planning to have one in the run and one in the coop...
  13. E Buschjost

    Automatic Door needed?

    Ok this may seem elementary to some but here goes. If the little pop door opens into the run and the run is built well with buried hardware cloth apron, etc to predator proof - does the door need to be closed every night? If so, then I am going to get an automatic door. Only in winter...
  14. E Buschjost

    Brooding meat birds with layers

    This is a newbie question (sorry if dumb). I am planning to build a coop to keep a small flock of layers year-round. Also want to raise about 75 broilers. I will start building the coop soon so it is ready for Spring. I’m in Missouri so it’s winter here now and am trying to figure out the...
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