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  1. M

    hen abandoned eggs and i dont have incubator, please hurry!

    i have a hen who abandoned 22 eggs and i dont have an incubator, i hooked up a heat lamp right above them and moved them to a box with woodchips and a bowl of water! i have 3 thermometers and 2 hygrometers in their to try to guess humidity and keep temps to 99.5 to 100.5! not sure if they are...
  2. M

    Scattered hatching HELP please!!

    I put eggs in the incubator on 3/16 and I have eggs coming on the 3/20 they are shipped eggs so probably won't go in untill early morning of 3/21, It's a 5 day difference is that to big of a difference or will they be fine? I can't afford to purchase a new incubator, I have a farms innovations...
  3. M

    Help help help! I think hes going to die please help

    please help me my roosters comb turned purple and over 2 days it fell completely over and his breed doesnt do that he's a bantam cochin calico and he started to lose weight and barely wants to eat or drink, his beak is pale in color and his wattle and comb has shrunk ALOT I mean alot, and he is...
  4. M

    Chicken with sneezing or couching problem! Help its 4 1/2 months

    Hello I have a 4 1/2 month old pullet and she had been sneezing for three days straight now over and over again like after she sneezes she takes a 30 second break and then sneezes again, she has no runny nose she runs around and eats fine, not lethargic can anyone tell me what's up with her...
  5. M

    Chick needs helps help fast

    Chick not peeping but has pipped and its eyes are closed why? I think something is wrong please help I know it sounds like I keep posting on here but i dont want this chick to die! this is a bit older photo but the chicks head is completely uncovered and its whole 1 foot is sticking out but no...
  6. M

    Something wrong with sebright?

    Hello I have about a 1 month old sebright well 2 month old almost and I'm concerned it has something wrong with its pigment? What happens to its color? Its supposed to be laced black like the ones in the picture with it but its not! The one with all the yellowish gold feathers also can someone...
  7. M

    Help sick chicken dont know whats wrong!!!

    Help me please this is my favorite rooster and I think he is sick he has an runny nose and is sneezing alot and breathes through his mouth I didn't catch his runny nose early so it has covered his nose so he breathes out of his mouth I try to clean them and only 1bnose isnkinda clearing up but...
  8. M

    Hen or cockerel please help!

    He or she is a month old and I believe the breed is RIR but can someone tell me cockerell or pullet and guess the breed
  9. M

    Cockerell or pullet?

    This is flappy she is a columbian Plymouth rock x red mix and I'm not sure if shes a hen or a roo. She is a month old so maybe y'all can tell not sure but please help because she keeps reassuring the pecking order with the other month olds like shes the rooster.
  10. M

    My baby chick is lossing its feathers its only 1 week old!

    My blue laced gold wyandotte chick is 1 week old and is losing its wing and tail feathers I dont understand why but I to out 2 days ago and found her wings all ruffled up! So I thought maybebits just out of place but they wernt then I saw they were falling out so i put her with the younger...
  11. M

    can someone help me with my chick breed please!!!!!!!!!!

    i have 2 chicks i dont know the breed of 1 is a rooster the orange one aka speedy and the white one is lappy and i dont know what they are i think she is a columbian plymouth rock x red mix and speedy is a rhode island red but not sure!!! please help me i will post pictures
  12. M

    My hen was broody for about 4 hours now shes not helpppp

    My little cochin bantam freckles is being broodie for about 4 hours and I went to go check on her and realised a wet spot in the hay so I lifted her up to find a broken egg and I move her tk get new hay there and she isn't acting broody what so ever now. Tell me what I did wrong or how to get...
  13. M

    Blood spots on roosters comb?

    He has little blood spots on his comb and it's from buffalo flies biting flies but what I need help with is what to stop it I let them out of their coops everyday and the only solution I found is to keep him in but it's kinda unfair to him I feel bad I dont want ugm to die from this please help...
  14. M

    What is my chicken breed help please

    My chicken looks like a barred rock but a Dominique but she has type of penciled feather help please.
  15. M

    Help please i dont know whats wrong!

    i dont know how old my hen is because she was a stray hen from the neighbors and i took her into my care. we have had her since november 2020. She is not egg bound im sure of because she has been laying eggs but the eggs come out and they are either rubber eggs or white shell and she is a brown...
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