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  1. DearChicken

    HELP — Baby Chick Head Pecked Open

    We have this chick whose head is bloody and open. What should I do? I’ve already separated it and cleaned the wound.
  2. DearChicken

    Why are my chickens stupefied for awhile when I tap their beaks?

    My chickens freeze for a few seconds when I tap their beaks. Is this normal? Do y’all’s chickens do this as well? I just tap the beaks softly and they stop moving. Their pupils dilate/undilate(?) as well.
  3. DearChicken


    Hello— I have a hen, got bumblefoot few months ago. I did the mini surgery, but it didn’t go so well. Didn’t manage to get all of the stuff out, and wrapped it up, stuff like that. It’s been maybe 2 months, I think; it’s gotten worse. She’s mainly standing on 1 foot, limp/hopping, and getting...
  4. DearChicken

    So Annoying

    So I've looked around and everywhere it says to separate your broodies so that there is not a staggered hatch and all that stuff. But everytime I do it my broodies decide not to brood the eggs! They do their fast "bok bok bok" in a nervous way, like they want to return to the flock... It is so...
  5. DearChicken

    Broody Hen

    I have a young broody hen (barred rock). Hatched her from the incubator, and now after laying a couple weeks, she is broody. I read that young hens are inexperienced and will sometimes stop incubating in the middle or peck the chicks to death, but I still wanna give her a chance... (mother...
  6. DearChicken

    Does anyone have katahdin sheep?

    Hi, I’m thinking about getting katahdin sheep for meat and milk. (first time getting sheep) Does anyone have them? Are they easy to manage? Do you get to milk them or do the lambs take it all?
  7. DearChicken

    Help with getting sheep??

    Hello, I’m new here. I reeeeally want to get some sheep (had bad experience with goats) but don’t know what breed to get. I kinda want dairy sheep because people say the milk is good. But I have never kept sheep before and want something hardy. Also something suited for hot climates. Definitely...
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