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  • Users: toto65
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  1. toto65

    Turkey eggs disappearing!

    I have a broody RP hen, she is in with another RP hen who is laying but does not show interest in sitting eggs. The second hen will lay in the nest with the broody one who is sitting on them. Every day or so there will be say 7 eggs, the next day 6 eggs, the next day 7 again and so on. Will they...
  2. toto65

    Broken turkey egg under hen

    I just checked my RP Daisy who is (was) sitting on 15 eggs. Went to fill her water and noticed an egg that looked like it was a different color. I made her stand up, (NOT EASY) and there was a broken egg in the middle of her nest. 2 eggs have quite a bit of yolk dried on them. Should I TRY to...
  3. toto65

    Eggs in Incubator, Electric Co planned power outage! HELP!

    I just found out that our electric company has a planned power outage scheduled for this Saturday at midnight until 6am. I have an incubator FULL of turkey eggs. Some will be going into lockdown the next day and I just set 22 last night. What can I do to keep them warm? In northern VT the...
  4. toto65

    How many eggs can a RP hen set?

    I am getting too many turkey eggs for my incubator and not having a whole lot of luck hatching that way. My RP hen was stealing eggs (turkey and chicken) and sitting on them every night. I had 15 eggs too many for the incubator so I separated her and gave her the leftover eggs. She is trying so...
  5. toto65

    Day old Turkey with leg problems

    I have a one day old poult with leg problems. I am not sure if it would be considered spraddle leg or not. Most of the pictures I have seen in the forums of spraddle leg have the legs spread out to the sides, this one has one leg out to the side and one leg pointing in with curled toes on the...
  6. toto65

    What would this turkey be?

    I need some input from all the turkey genetics people out there. I have hatched two poults so far this year, both eggs came from my Royal Palm hen. Even thought I was REALLY hoping that she would be interested in the RP Tom she decided that she wanted to mate with my black tom who's parents were...
  7. toto65

    Amberlink offspring

    Above is a picture of a 2 week old chick that is the offspring of my Amberlink chickens. I have also had white chicks, some with the Amber spots, some with black spots, a pure red chick and a white chick with a red head. This one is the most striking one so far.
  8. toto65


    I just had to post this photo. My 6 month old BBW hen just started laying and this is her first effort! I have seen many DOUBLE yolkers but I have never seen a TRIPLE yolker before. The bowl it is in is 4" across. Happy now, Paul?
  9. toto65

    Heritage turkey Eggs

    Hi All, I am looking for feeedback on shipped heritage turkey eggs. Who have you ordered from, what did you order, what kind of hatch success did you have and would you order again? Thanks
  10. toto65

    My Big Bad Roo!

    I just had to show you all this picture of by "Big Bad Roo Brutus" I was in the coop with a friend and Brutus was being, well, being Brutus. He was strutting around trying to show everyone that HE was the boss. So I picked him up, rubbed his comb and wattles then turned him over and held him...
  11. toto65

    Turkey's Eating Feathers

    Recently I have noticed one of my Blue Slate hens walking up to any of the three Royal Palms I have, reaching over and plucking a single feather from their back and eating it. She, the BS, is the one hen that I have that is agressive with the other birds. Is this just a way of showing her...
  12. toto65

    What is Bock Bock? Update 09/02/10

    This is a new picture of my grandson and his chick Bock Bock. BB is 4 weeks old. He is mainly black with a light colored underside with an orange and black beak and olive green legs. Any ideas what kind of chicken he is? This picture was taken just before he laid down and went to sleep in my...
  13. toto65

    Incubating Turkey Eggs

    I have a question about hatching turkey eggs. The ones I have hatched did better in an automatic turner, now I am told on another turkey forum that turkey eggs that are incubated in an automatic turner have a bigger chance of being hatched with spraddle leg and that laying on their side and...
  14. toto65

    Fresh eggs for Breakfast today!

    These are the first 3 eggs that I got from my 17 week old Amberlink pullets. Yes, 3 eggs! I was really suprised to crack 1 egg and get a double yolker then 2 then 3! The girls are really starting to do their job! From what I could tell, all 6 yolks had a bullseye so the roo is doing his job too!
  15. toto65

    Bird Line up, or Get out of our way!

    Last weekend we finally got my outdoor run set up for my chickens and turkeys. Because I still don't trust them not to get out of the run, they are only out if someone is home. Yesterday my husband got home and went to let them outside. He went through the coop to their door and before he could...
  16. toto65

    Cackle Turkey's

    Has anyone gotten turkey's from Cackle Hatchery? I just recieved a catalog today and would like some feedback from anyone who has ordered from them. All the major hatcheries are quite a distance from me. Also has anyone ordered the meat bird specials? Not the cornish, just the heavy breeds. If...
  17. toto65

    New flock of turkeys

    Here are some pictures of the small flock of turkeys that I was given. The people that had them just didn't want to have turkeys anymore. There are 3 toms and 3 hens, the hens are all Slates and there is 1 Bourbon Red tom, 1 slate tom and 1 that is a slate naragansette cross.
  18. toto65

    Homer and Marge Baby Pictures

    Above is a picture of my Blue Slates hatched last Friday and Saturday.
  19. toto65

    New Coop!! Whoo Hooo!

    Here are my Amberlinks in their brand new home! They were so funny when we put them in there. It was SO much bigger than where they were with the turkeys. Little do they know that it will be divided in half before winter so the turkeys can move in too. Plus I have 8 week old chicks that will...
  20. toto65

    Same Age!?!?

    Here are my RP's in with my BBW's. Hard to believe that they are the same age!
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