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  1. P

    Pullet or cockerel -Lavender Orpington between 7-9 weeks

    We have this lavender Orpington from rural king, between 7-9 weeks. Can you tell if pullet or cockerel?
  2. P

    Hen or rooster

  3. P

    6 week chick

    Our 6 week old chick has very bad spraddle leg. Both legs, she eats and drinks and hops or crawls to get to it. She is half the size is the other chicks born the same time. Should we let her be? Can we tell if she is in pain?
  4. P

    Polish hen

    We got this polish hen, she is so sweet. We were told she is a partridge but I see no where of a partridge polish
  5. P

    Cockerel or pullet

    Only 5 weeks, just wondering thoughts?
  6. P

    Egg hatching first time

    We are hatching out very first eggs and just did our last candling, day 17. Just wondering if all looks right with air pocket and all. Thanks for the help
  7. P

    Roo or hen

    I keep seeing this chicken mounting my other chickens but was certain it was a hen. Looking for confirmation please.
  8. P

    What type of chicken is she

    We were told she is an americauna but I’m not sure
  9. P

    Cockerel or pullet

    Bought as pullet but not sure
  10. P

    Pullet or cockerel

    I think this is a pullet but not 100%sure. What is consensus please?
  11. P

    Pullet or cockerel

    We have been trying to determine if this is a pulley or cockerel. The chicken has been named Ruby in hopes of pulley and is 11 weeks old.
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