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  1. aubviouslycornyhomestead

    Jersey gisnt rooster near albany NY free or swap

    This rooster can be quite the sweetheart however he has a preference to certain people and just doesn't work in our farm we don't want to cull him though because he's such a sweetheart I would love to give him a new home! ❤️
  2. aubviouslycornyhomestead

    Brahma rooster in need of rehoming super sweet

    We have a brahma rooster that is really sweet but is in need of being rehomed because we have to many roosters for our flock. He has a defective oil gland that flares up every once in a while but is pretty easy to care for. He is quite a sweet bird and he is also fairly large as far as chickens go.
  3. aubviouslycornyhomestead

    2 out of three chicks died how to help lonely chick

    We have been hatching chicks and 3 hatched but 2 have died and we have one by himself he seems like he might be lonely and everything I've read says not to keep one chick by himself he is only 4 days old so we can't put him with any of our other birds what should we do there should be more...
  4. aubviouslycornyhomestead

    chick not doing well help what's wrong what to do

    chick wouldn't hatch we help it out of the egg was in weird position and since then has just sat in a heap gasping for air and not moving barely able to lift head or open eyes curved neck at weird angle what's wrong what can we do
  5. aubviouslycornyhomestead

    Bumble foot

    We have a chicken how has bumble foot on both feet and we do a surgery almost every other day to try and get out the infection but it only seems to get worst we soak it and give them everbs and we have cut it open but it just wont go away please if anybody knows anything let us know
  6. aubviouslycornyhomestead

    Albert eggstein the chicken of the coop

    So sad story if you dont like sad stories I wouldnt read ok ok And even though I call it a he we found out later on it was a she On november second we got some chick and the one that was a meal maker I bonded to with all my heart I think because he was so weak he hardly did anything he was just...
  7. aubviouslycornyhomestead

    Does anybody know how to sew by hand???

    I just wanted to know ic anybody knew how to hand sew bescause I dont have a macjine and I would still like to sew and I can but I'm not very good if anybody knows how to or has any tips please let me now and also tell me if you know anywhere where you can get material cheap too
  8. aubviouslycornyhomestead

    Coop ventilation

    We turned a shed into a coop and we are not sure how to ventilate it if any body has any ideas please let me now
  9. aubviouslycornyhomestead

    Broody hens and incubator

    So first of all is there anyway to encourage a hen to become broody because our hens are laying fertile eggs and it might be fun to hatch them but we dont have incubator also does anybody know how to turn a freezer into an incubator
  10. aubviouslycornyhomestead

    Free ranging

    I was wondering how do I free range we have neighbors right next door one doesnt mind if they free range her yard and the other behind us doesnt but on the other side does and soon that wont be able to free range behind us anymore how if there is any way do I keep the chickens in my own yard...
  11. aubviouslycornyhomestead

    Chickens not laying help no reasons comply

    We have 4 new hampshire red all were laying fine then when we intergrated them they slowed down because of stress but then they have stopped.almost Completely now they are only eight months and it is summer they arent stressed they dont have any of the things that google said so does anybody...
  12. aubviouslycornyhomestead


    so we have a rooster who when was young got all his back feathers plucked off by escapee ducks it has now been about 2 1\2 months and majority of his back is healed but the tail just wont heal we have tried everything we have put saddles on him we have completely wraped it we put on a dog cone...
  13. aubviouslycornyhomestead


    hi this is aubviously corny homestead we are brand new in homesteading (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? we are newer to chickens we got five in nov2020 and then we got 13 more chickens and 13 ducks in mar2021 (2) How many chickens do you have right now? we have 17...
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