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  1. M

    Could my chickens be making my tick problem worse?

    HI everybody. My husband and I live on a half acre suburban property in PA, the land of the deer tick. We just moved here a few months ago and got our flock of 10 chicks soon after moving in. We have noticed that ever since we moved them from their brooder in our garage out to the coop/run we...
  2. M

    Run Bedding

    Hi there! We have a flock of 10 chickens (located in Pennsylvania) that we just built a coop and run for. About half of the run is covered by a roof, the rest is just covered by hardware cloth. We have had our chickens living out there for several weeks now (they are about 13 weeks old) and...
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    Blue Ameraucana pullet or cockerel? 11 wks old

    One of my three blue ameraucanas has a comb coming in that looks a little bit fleshier than the others. Not sure if she might be a he or not - I have heard ameraucanas are tricky to sex at only 11 weeks. In every picture she/he is the one closest to the camera. Any educated guesses? Any advice...
  4. M

    HELP! What is this weird brown blob under chick? Is it the umbilical cord?

    Please help. Chick is 2 days old and appears active and healthy. Speckled sussex. She had a bit of pasty butt which I cleared up with a warm wet rag but this I think is actually underneath the vent, at first I thought it was more pasty butt but it is FIRMLY attached and seemed to hurt her when I...
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