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  1. Veggie4life55

    Upper Resp/ Gapeworm ? Medication interaction question

    I have a rooster who has had Respiratory issues for the last two weeks and had been crowing weirdly beforehand and I wasn't sure why but probably should have caught it sooner... anyways ... I treated him with the antibiotics But not sure if the dose was enough. It was left over from our last hen...
  2. Veggie4life55

    Pimples, growths, fungus? Favus, Pox? Pics included

    This is Titus... I have been trying to figure out what this is for a week or so... It doesn't look like Pox or Favus to me but everywhere I look online thats the only thing I can find... Does anyone have any clue of what it could be and how to treat it? No one else in the flock has it although...
  3. Veggie4life55

    Chicken run/enclosure ground cover? I have a soggy mess from Rain

    This is year three for our chicken coop and enclosure... plus we just expanded our enclosure/run... The run is on a slight slope so everything we put in the enclosure to keep the mud away always gets washed down to the end of the coop. We normally use straw on the ground because they like to dig...
  4. Veggie4life55

    Chicken Xrays... Not sure exact what the problem is... Any Suggestions

    It started a while back where I thought she was getting egg bound and the finally passing the egg or parts of the egg. Then 2 Thursdays ago she was eggbound with just a solid yolk. I don't normally step in.Right at her vent opening. I normally let them do as much as they can before I step in...
  5. Veggie4life55

    Chickens attacked by Ratccoon

    This morning... after day light we let out our chickens as normal. I came back at 2pm to find 3 dead and 2 wounded. One is showing signs on shock. There are no vets in today that will see chickens. So I am left with not knowing what to do besides put antibitics in their water and keep there...
  6. Veggie4life55

    Breeding Bantams with Standards

    Can a Banti and a standard size chicken mate and have eggs to hatch successfully?
  7. Veggie4life55

    Sex linking ? & Mating Standard size with Bantams?

    Not sure where to post this so I am sticking it here... We have had 8 chickens for 1 year, 3 new banti chicks since spring, and 1 new comer has hatched today. So we have as of today twelve chickens. All but three or four are different Breeds. So I was wondering since all of our chickens...
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