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  • Users: Jaime918
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  1. Jaime918

    Dom pullets first egg!

    I'm so excited, it feels like the wait has been forever but finally after 24 weeks one of my 4 Dominique pullets laid. She's been acting a little different the past 2 days and very vocal so I was hoping it would be soon. I'm impressed with the size for her first. It looks like she ran out of...
  2. Jaime918

    We did a thing! 😍

    So went to tractor supply for feed and buckets and came out with 4 of these little guys. They came from the assorted duck bin. Hubby caved and bought from a bin before I did. 😂 They are stinkin' adorable! No idea what they are, 2 have slightly lighter coloring and bills. So all my duck...
  3. Jaime918

    Odd coloring in Dominique feathers

    I noticed yesterday in 2 of my girls a noticable greenish-blue hue in her wings. They are supposed to be heritage bloodlines. They are 19 weeks I believe. What could cause this? *Not pure bloodlines? *Barred rock mixed in (I noticed it happens in BR when I Google)? *Possibility with...
  4. Jaime918

    Wants to be a house chicken 😂

    This is one of my bantam mixes, I call her Honey. I made a post a little while back after she got pecked as a chick, which injured an eyelid and she unfortunately lost sight in her right eye. She is such the sweetest little bird! She loves to be held, cuddled and always trying to make an...
  5. Jaime918

    2 Dominique cockerels (SW Nevada)

    2 Dominique cockerels 6 weeks old (hatched 5/25) Located in Pahrump, NV (Also posted in state thread)
  6. Jaime918

    Possible to reduce size?

    This a probably a stupid question but here it goes 😂 Is it possible to reduce the size of egg a hen lays? I recently took in a silkied serama 3 weeks ago and she started laying for me this past week, here is where my dilemma is. This poor girls eggs are huge and always have blood smeared. They...
  7. Jaime918

    Dominique "sport" genetics

    When breeding, does the rooster or hen play the biggest role in the colors produced? I currently have 3 separate bloodlines for the Dominique, one of which holds the lines to throw "sports". My last hatch, I had one "sport" but it unfortunately pipped a large vein and passed in the egg, but I...
  8. Jaime918

    At a loss, stunted growth?

    I'm at a complete loss here. I sent one of my extra Dominique roosters to our conservation farm about a month and a half ago to be used as a breeder. He is almost 3 months now. Well sadly they are relocating so she offered me the option to take him back before anyone else which I happily did...
  9. Jaime918

    My first little bantam egg!

    I walked into the coop yesterday evening, just happened to glance at the nest box and there it first egg! I'm so excited. It's so cute and little. It came from one of my four bantam mixes. :celebrate :woot I didn't expect one so soon! They are 21 weeks today. I knew it was possible...
  10. Jaime918

    Hormonal little serama help

    This is my first rooster and he's becoming pretty feisty, which is easily manageable because of his size but I have concerns for my girls. My question is, how do I get him to quit trying to mate with my hand 😂 and be more gentlemanly to the other ladies? He grabbed one by the back of the neck...
  11. Jaime918

    Breeds that mingle well

    I'm looking to add one more dual purpose, high egg production breed to my Dominiques. I hatched some Barred Rocks with my Dominiques, but it didn't work out. They were to high strung, and big bullies so a choice was made and they were re-homed to a local farm/sanctuary. I'm looking for...
  12. Jaime918

    Today's Adventure with ravens

    So while looking out our window, my husband saw a raven land with what he initially thought was a ball. Needless to say it was an egg and he decided to run and grab it which led to the urge to want to candle it. There's movement soooo I placed him in the incubator! 😂 I couldn't resist after...
  13. Jaime918

    Any ideas on this girl?

    These are the possibilities, but I'm at a loss. I can't think of what its called but she has cheek wiskers. She's so lanky and 3 times the size of her bantam counterparts. 😂 Is she possibly a misidentified egg?
  14. Jaime918

    The temperatures are here for the summer! Cold treat ideas!

    So I have recently move my oldest 5(10 weeks) outside full time(my other 10 to follow in a couple weeks) and our temperatures are now averaging in the high 80s. As things get hotter, what are everyone's go to treats to keep everyone cool and happy? I've already premade some frozen fruit and...
  15. Jaime918

    My March Hatch-along!

    Who is ready to follow my second ever incubation? I'm so egg-cited! My first hatch was pretty successful in my eyes, 5 out of 8 (10, but 2 didn't make it to lockdown) My eggs arrived today, now to let them set. So ready to set them. My first batch were an exotic bantam mix and they turn 4...
  16. Jaime918

    Anti-roost cover

    I have a 12*12 Titan Brooder Hen Heat Plate, but they do not make a cover for it. I see other brands that are shaped the same, can these be used? Are they kind of universal in a sense? Any other options anyone uses? has neat disposable ones, but pricey in the long run. I've...
  17. Jaime918

    Eye looks weird 13 day old chick

    I'm not really sure how to describe it and the photo is horrible. The little bugger wouldn't hold still. It appears his lid looks sealed shut, it's not red or inflamed. It just looks like a dry layer and currently cannot see out of it. Looked fine last night and i didn't notice this morning. No...
  18. Jaime918

    Day old chick help!

    My lone serama is being picked on by my bantam mix. I want to separate but I don't have another heat source. Can I temporarily put him back in the incubator at a slightly lower temperature? Can he be alone?
  19. Jaime918

    Just hatched, what is this?

    What is this little red bulge? :(
  20. Jaime918

    Lockdown question

    As lockdown slowly gets closer, I have a couple eggs I've decided I want to prop up or mostly up for some saddlebags. I see the common recommendation for egg cartons, had anyone successfully used the egg stands that come in egg decorating kits? I'll add a photo for reference. I see an advantage...
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