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  1. Crazychickengirl2

    Missing chick

    We had a broody hen but she was in the coop and 5/9 eggs went missing so we put and her baby’s in a cage in the coop and 4 baby’s hatched but 2 went missing so we put her in our brooder without the light and sat 2 eggs under her and on just hatched but it’s missing and there is absolutely NO way...
  2. Crazychickengirl2

    Trouble hatching

    I have a KEBONNIXS incubator and in the beginning it had almost %100 hatch rate but after I put duck eggs in there the hatch rate has gone down drastically and I haven’t changed anything. I put 12 chicken eggs in there probably about 3 (?) weeks ago and only one chick hatched and survived. 5...
  3. Crazychickengirl2

    Foggy eyes

    I just went out and checked on Alfonzo and his eyes were stuck shut so I opened them and one of his eyes look ok but he wouldn’t open his other eye. But his “2nd” eyelids are chunky and dark looking. When I first opened his eye he keped preening himself ( or at least it looked like it).He also...
  4. Crazychickengirl2


    I hatched a chick probably 9 month’s ago and im really curious about his breed. All I know is he’s 50/50. I also want to know “his” gender. I say his cus I think s/he payed an egg earlier. I’m pretty sure he’s half silky so we just need to find the other half!
  5. Crazychickengirl2

    Egg colors

    I have 3 silkies and I think one started to lay and we already have one laying but we are getting brown and white small eggs. I thought that breeds only lay one color of eggs? Does that mean their not the same breed?
  6. Crazychickengirl2

    Under developed ducklings

    I have had many problems hatching ducks and until today I haven’t ever hatched any ducklings from my own ducks and while I was away the humidity dropped down to %11 and it was only 1 day but these ducklings have really short legs and tiny beaks, is this normal and if not what can I do about it?
  7. Crazychickengirl2

    Chick that can’t stand

    This is the second time this has happened. I had a chick hatch this morning and he can’t seem to stand, and when he does stray he just jumps in a circle or flips upside down and lays on his back. What do you think is wrong with him?
  8. Crazychickengirl2


    I have some eggs that should have hatched 4 days ago but I have one thats now peeped but there are a few eggs with green spots on them and I’ve incubated eggs before and this has never happened. What is it!?
  9. Crazychickengirl2

    Th miss-information thread

    Hi I’ve always thought that rir where better layers than black austrolops but then I found this! Is it true? This is a thread for when you see something online about chickens your not sure about. Just post a screen hot and wait for the answers!
  10. Crazychickengirl2

    Prey chickens?

    Is it really true that people get crested birds to make easy prey for birds of prey?!
  11. Crazychickengirl2


    Is a roost truly needed? If so why? We have a tall egg laying box/renavated shelf, will that work?
  12. Crazychickengirl2


    My young duck was attacked and I can’t find blu cote
  13. Crazychickengirl2


    My dad buys all the animal food including my chickens. He buys the same amount of scratch as feed and we just mix it in the barrel. Is this unhealthy? We’ve been doing it for quite awhile and all my chickens seem healthy.
  14. Crazychickengirl2

    Chickens in Missouri

    I live in Missouri wich is a state that can have warm winters or hot winters and usually HOT summers so I need a breed that does good in both temperatures, does anyone have any suggestions? Rn I have silkies, bared rocks and 1 road island red
  15. Crazychickengirl2

    Bad silkie rooster

    I have a silkie rooster that is just... I don't even know how to describe him. Stupid? He's HORIBLE at mating and mean. When he mates he falls off the hen and continues trying to mate and pulls out feathers. I can't cull him cus I raised him and am to attached to do it and who would want that...
  16. Crazychickengirl2

    "Free ranging"

    So I let my chickens out every now and then later in the day so I can watch them and the dog, but at night they won't go into their coop they just huddle up in a circle and go to sleep!🙃 what should I do to get them to go in??
  17. Crazychickengirl2

    Barred silkie

    What would I breed to make a barred silkie? I want them to look like this.
  18. Crazychickengirl2

    Frozen treats

    So my mom said I can't waist all the canned corn and fruit so I'm going to try freezing their grain bit I will still give them some grain when I give them the "treats"
  19. Crazychickengirl2

    Dumbest chicken/breeds

    What is the dumbest chicken/breed you've had? What is the dumbest things they did?
  20. Crazychickengirl2

    Duckling breed

    What breed do these guys look like to you?
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