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  • Users: Twin Mom
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  1. Twin Mom

    nursing back to health

    Received my first peacock last night. Back ground is he was at a vets office. Vet put out a mirror to keep him away from his car. Bird attacked the mirror got very cut up. Is now on meds for wounds and my friend a tech there brought him to me. I have chickens, ducks, and guinea fowl. Do I need...
  2. Twin Mom

    One week old duckling with large nodule on side of neck

    My duckling has a large nodule on side of neck, still eating and drinking. Do I need to do anything or just wait and see? No open wound.
  3. Twin Mom

    I'm stumped, what breed are they?

    The brown and white one closest to the fence. All from Ideal Surprise Special.
  4. Twin Mom

    No eggs since July!!

    I have five hens that are over a year old and 10 that where hatched in the spring. I live in south texas where the summer was extremely hot and dry. Had a misting system going all summer, but no eggs. Then when the weather started cooling off the older ones molted. I have been waiting patiently...
  5. Twin Mom

    Need Advice!!!

    Background..... Had five guineas on nest. In the last week all but two were raided by something and took all eggs. Eggs are scheduled to hatch (day 28) on 21st. Guinea was not on nest last night, and did not see her this morning. Temps here are 100+ during the day and in the 80ies at night. Do...
  6. Twin Mom

    First Hatch Ever!!! Pics added

    I just started with Guineas and chickens in July of last year. Got my incubator almost a month ago, filled it with Guinea eggs that were scheduled to hatch on the 26. We now have five little ones in there!!!!!! Noticed a few cracked eggs last night, first thought... what did I do wrong, and then...
  7. Twin Mom

    Help please!!! Don't know what to do!! Pic

    Don't know what this is. Still acting normal. Please help!!!
  8. Twin Mom

    Advice Please!!

    First time incubator buyer, is it worth the extra to by preset? Looking to hatch guinea and chickens. (not at same time) Thanks for all opinions.
  9. Twin Mom

    Egg Turner

    What size egg turner is used for guinea eggs?
  10. Twin Mom

    What do we do???? Update...

    Okay guinea went broody Wed. so we put her in a dog crate with a tarp over it on the front porch. She has rammed the front of the crate several times, and knocked over all food and water. We decided to open the crate ~ an hour ago to see what she would do. She calmly came out and walked around...
  11. Twin Mom

    First Broody Guinea

    When checking nest tonight, I found my only white guinea sitting on the fourth nest. My first thought was really out of all of them the "neon sign" is the one. So I set up the dog kennel and that is where she is now. Fingers crossed everything goes well and we have keets in 28 days! Side...
  12. Twin Mom

    Need advice on which to buy!

    Funds are limited to ~$125.00 So which brand of bater do you all recommend? Also would you go still air or fan? Know I need turner. I've been trying to compare different ones and I'm not sure what would be best. Any and all thoughts please. Thanks from a newbie with lots of eggs to hatch!
  13. Twin Mom

    10 missing, found feather piles in tall brush

    This is our first round of chickens and guineas. We count every night in the coop, and over the last two weeks we are down ten birds. No sign of anything. Yesterday DH was off, and able to walk out into the brush, and found three feather piles. Our guess is coyotes. Can we use the big hog trap...
  14. Twin Mom

    Fowl pox

    So I have a roo that is showing fowl pox, which means tomorrow I will be spending time vaccinating the rest of the flock. Do I need to dose the guineas too?
  15. Twin Mom

    Something "growing" on roo's comb

    Newbie here that has not dealt with any illnesses yet. Any idea what this is and how to treat it?
  16. Twin Mom

    Bad eggs Pic added

    I am new to chickens and fresh eggs. Never to my knowledge had a fresh egg and was very much looking forward to the experience when my neighbor brought me a dozen. They had been in my refrigerator for a week and I started to use them today, and all are bad. Dark orange yolks, and mold inside the...
  17. Twin Mom

    Breeds anyone????

    These three are 8wkers, and the only questionable ones left. Help solve the mystery please!!!!
  18. Twin Mom

    New additions to the flock....breeds????

    These are our newest members, they are 6 days old in pics. Any idea what breeds these little ones are? same bird just different views They are surprise pullets, so we are guessing at this point, think some RIR, EE, Leghorn.
  19. Twin Mom

    Moved Guineas

    The coop is finally finished, so we moved the guineas into the holding pen, and put the chickens that they have been rooming with in the brooder into the coop this evening. Let's just say I have turned the guineas world upside down. (or so they think) They are six weeks old today, and had not...
  20. Twin Mom

    Neighbor's new guineas, will they be a problem?

    I have 10 4wk old guineas, that at 6wks will go into a holding pen in the coop, as I would like for them to be coop trained at night. Last night the next door neighbor brought home 2 adult guineas, and released them right away. My question is, if those two stick around, will I have issues with...
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