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  1. L

    duck feed question

    Does anyone have a recipe for a simple home-made duck feed? It has to meet the proper nutritional requirements for a mixed flock of drakes, laying hens and one goose. The ducks do forage, but they don't have a pond, so they will rely largely on this feed. Any recipes or ideas are appreciated...
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    Egg bound duck? Please help!

    My Khaki Campbell hen started acting very strange today. I found her this afternoon, huddled in one corner of the coop, apparently straining. I assumed she was egg bound, and soaked her bottom in warm water for about 10 minutes. I read you should give an egg bound hen calcium supplement, but I...
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    Limping Gosling!

    My 5 week old Toulouse Gosling has been having trouble walking on her left leg for about 2 weeks and it hasn't gotten any better. When she walks, her left leg is turned inward and her hip sticks out slightly. I've examined her leg but haven't been able to find anything out of the ordinary. She...
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    Need Tips on Natural feed for chickens and ducks

    Hi. I have been raising a half dozen ducks for a full year now. I feed them part commercial feed and part free range. I would love to get off the purchased feed all together but I live in New England and during the winter they obviously are limited in what they can find free ranging. So I need...
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