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  1. EveningPrayer

    Hen with Picking Issues and Shell-less Eggs

    I have a one-year-old Black Star hen who is my special case. Had coccidiosis as a pullet; a week of nursing inside got her over it. But since then, she’s prone to pulling out her own feathers with the least amount of change or stress. This has been prevalent for about 3 months. Free ranging...
  2. EveningPrayer

    Is “dandruff” just part of molting?

    I have an eight week old pullet who is on the mend from coccidiosis. Because she had several days where she did not eat, she is now molting. But I’m noticing she’s very itchy and scratching at herself, and that there is what looks like dandruff on her feathers… And also a sort of a dark version...
  3. EveningPrayer

    How contagious is coccidiosis?

    Oh day 4 of treating a sick pullet (8 weeks) who suddenly became very lethargic and stopped eating/drinking. Could not find a single vet who would look at her (either not taking new patients or several months wait), so started treating her for coccidiosis based on kind help given here and my FB...
  4. EveningPrayer

    Pullet lethargic, one eyelid closed, strange droppings

    Seven week old pullet kept with five other birds. None of the others are symptomatic. I came into the coop this morning and she was lethargic and unmoving with one eyelid closed. (However when she blinks it open, her eyeball looks fine.) Her weight seems ok. No visible wounds, no pasty butt...
  5. EveningPrayer

    Wood chip stuck to feathers

    We have 10 day old chicks, and one of them has something sticky on the front of her feathers. A wood chip is stuck to her.l chest. We don’t know what she got into. (Our only guess is a sticker on the back of the thermometer, which has since been removed.) Anyway, we cannot get the chip off of...
  6. EveningPrayer

    Chick sneezing

    I have a one week old chick that has started sneezing. (This one belongs to my autistic child, and he is already very attached to it. ) :( She seems ok beyond the sneezing. But I will say we live in an old farmhouse where it’s hard to keep stable temperatures. So 5-6 times a day, I have to...
  7. EveningPrayer

    Paper towels?

    When I had chicks years ago, I remember keeping them on paper towels in the brooder the first few days. But I don’t remember when I switched plain pine shavings. Is there a proper time to do so? Thanks so much!
  8. EveningPrayer

    Grubbly feed - thoughts?

    There’s ads for Grubbly feed everywhere, so I’m curious. We have six new chicks, but it’s been seven years since we raised chickens. So much has changed! I always remember thinking it was odd that feeds would brag they were “vegetarian.” Chickens love insects and seem healthier as omnivores, no...
  9. EveningPrayer

    Second time around

    Hi! We had a little backyard flock years ago when I lived in New York, and we are doing so again now in Delaware. It’s amazing how much I’ve forgotten! Re-educating myself here. We had originally ordered chicks from McMurray’s, but due to avian flu, had to cancel our order. I picked up six...
  10. EveningPrayer

    Help my forgetful brain

    We bought chicks from Tractor Supply a couple days ago. Two were a variety that begin with the letter “A” and ended with “link” (so I’m assuming they are a type of sex link.) They are a buff color. Anyone know the name? Haven’t heard of them before, so maybe it’s just a trendy name for gold...
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