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  1. urbanhomesteader_shiona

    Injured Bird, Possibly Also Sick

    So I have a hen who has two separate issues. The first is that she is being bullied in the flock (I have isolated her to treat her injury). The second is that she has always had sort of weird behavior regarding her legs. She has always walked a little differently and done a lot of...
  2. urbanhomesteader_shiona

    Wet Chickens In The Winter

    Hey there. Today my chickens willingly stood out in the rain (they had dry options) and got pretty wet. The weather is in the low 40s and not meant to drop below that until tomorrow night. Is it okay to let them roost outside wet or do I need to bring them in/dry them off??
  3. urbanhomesteader_shiona

    When can I collect the first eggs?

    My chickens have just begun to lay their first pullet eggs and I am very excited to collect them! However, I’ve heard that if you take the first egg, they will never lay in that spot again and they’re currently laying right where I want them to. How long should I wait and when I do begin...
  4. urbanhomesteader_shiona

    Adding new pullets

    So I currently have a flock of 6 chickens (5 pullets, 1 roo) that are 15 weeks old. I’d like to add two more pullets to the mix but I’m wondering if the flock integration is going to be more of a hassle than it’s worth? I feel like I’ve heard horror stories of chickens getting so beat up when...
  5. urbanhomesteader_shiona

    Sand, woodchips, topsoil, oh my!

    So I am keeping chickens in the city and recently moved them into their coop and run outside. To ensure that they weren’t scratching in contaminated soil, I covered the ground with several inches of woodchips, and then built the run on top of that. I placed poultry mesh below to ensure that...
  6. urbanhomesteader_shiona

    Introducing new chicks

    Hi there! I’m a newbie to having chickens, I currently have 6 that are just over 5 weeks old (with the exception of one, who is a week older). I am confident that one, likely two, are roosters and so I am going to be introducing two new pullets to make up for it. I still have mine in the brooder...
  7. urbanhomesteader_shiona

    5 week old chicks; help identifying sex please?

    Hello fellow backyard chicken keepers! I have my first flock, just about 5 weeks old (the Easter Egger is a week older). I got the chicks from a homestead that claimed they were all pullets, but I suspect that I have one, possibly two (or more??) cockerels amongst my six chicks. I would love to...
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