Search results for query: *

  1. Coexcharlie

    first time trying...

    I found some eggs in a couple different locations than I usually check for eggs... not real sure how old they are. How can I tell if it is worth trying to incubate them. I have about 30 that are going in the bator tomorrow that I know are from yesterday and today. The other ones I found i'm not...
  2. Coexcharlie

    Hello from the third coast

    Hello all I started this account a while back and hadn't been on here in a bit..... I have a great mixed flock of birds. Production reds,polish crested, barred rock,some EE's, americauna, rir,banty silkies and cochins, and a turkey I don't know the breed of, also 2 pekin ducks. Well I hope to be...
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