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  • Users: vonchick
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  1. vonchick

    HELP! sticktight fleas and new chicks

    Our Japanese bantam hen returned today from wherever she hid her nest - with two new chicks. We've been fighting a war on sticktight fleas, and since this hen has been away for the last few weeks, she hasn't received any treatment. Her head is literally covered with fleas. Using a small, soft...
  2. vonchick

    crazy overcrowding of nest box

    [/IMG] This kitty litter bucket nest box sits on top of a row of clean, roomy EMPTY nest boxes. My husband put the bucket out when we got some bantams, thinking the small hens would prefer a smaller nest box. The bantams never even looked at it (they choose to lay in the waste paper basket.)...
  3. vonchick

    How often should I check for worms?

    My flock got their second dose of Safegaurd 10 weeks ago, so when egg production dropped off, and then one of my best hens started losing weight and became lethargic, I didn't think to check for worms. Then last night when I checked the failing hen, I could see she had passed large roundworms...
  4. vonchick

    seingly healthy hen crashed suddenly, why???

    My 9 month old bantam hen crashed yesterday, but why? At 2:00 she was her usual feisty self. When I went out to fill feeders at 5:00 I found her limp and unresponsive in the nest box, eyes closed. She had a problem in the past laying soft shelled eggs, which has been under control with a twice...
  5. vonchick

    lethargic hen, squishy crop, darkening comb, thin shelled egg??!!

    My 3 y/o hen laid a thin shelled egg yesterday, the contents of the egg were in the nest box, I found the shell quite a ways away. I found her lethargic, crop like a water balloon, white foamy diarrhea with green bits in it and her comb going purple. My first thought was a bit of egg was still...
  6. vonchick

    vent gleet treatment question

    I've posted about Carmellita before, been dealing with one issue after another for a few months. She appears to thrive while receiving each treatment, then crashes when off the meds. I recently treated her with 5 days of safeguard and corid. She also received fontline plus for lice/mites. While...
  7. vonchick

    change in color and thickness of egg shells - worms?

    I have a 2 1/2 Y/O buff orpington who has been laying well until about 5 days ago, when the color of her eggs changed from brown to white and the shells became very thin. Last night she layed a soft shelled egg during the night. While she's not really pale, her comb is lighter than its usual...
  8. vonchick

    Worming Question, Dependent Hen

    I've been working with a 2 1/2 Y/O EE hen since the middle of October. First it was bird lice, which were successfully treated with Frontline Plus. I also wormed her with Wazine and Ivermectin. The treatments helped immensely. She was severely underweight and refusing to eat her usual layer...
  9. vonchick

    sick hen - won't eat

    Hello, I've been working with a 3 1/2 year old easter egger hen for about. 2 months now - she was Not eating aand becoming very thin. After worming with wazine and ivermectin she bounced back. Then she started molting and lost a lot of weight. Because of extreme cold weather I brought her...
  10. vonchick

    Lice infestation on failing hen -can Advantage be used?

    My Americana bantam hen has been lethargic and without appetite. Upon examination we found her to be loaded with lice. (oddly, we didn't find any lice on any of the other flock members we checked.) I want to provide relief for her as quickly as possible. I've read about using Frontline on...
  11. vonchick

    Thin shelled eggs normal after/during molt? Help!

    One mixed breed hen, 2 1/2 years old, one of my best layers, started a hard molt about the first of September. She looks wonderful now, but for the last two weeks has been laying thin shelled eggs at night. Last night, a second hen, a cochin/silkie cross, also 2 1/2 years old who has been laying...
  12. vonchick

    Worming Chickens in Hot Weather

    After seeing a roundworm this morning, I realize I need to worm my flock. My question is, can I use a product mixed in their water, Wazine in hot weather? It's in the high 90s here with a heat index over 100, and the birds are drinking a lot more water than normal. Is there a wormer I could mix...
  13. vonchick

    sneezing chick

    One of my have a 10 week old chicks has started sneezing. I cured an adult hen of a similar problem using Agrimycin -343, oxytetracycline HCL solulble powder. My question is, can I use this medication on a chick, and, if so, at what dosage? So far it's only one bird in my flock showing...
  14. vonchick

    Broody hen pooped on eggs

    One egg hatched yesterday, and the mamma hen is giving more attention to the chick than to the unhatched eggs. There are 7 yet to hatch, and this morning I found she had pooped on 5 of them. She has moved the 2 eggs I assume are clean and is sitting on them as well as cuddling the new chick. I...
  15. vonchick

    Neovet 325 (neomycin) amount per gallon for chickens

    I have a wheezing hen and the feed store sold me Neovet 325 (neomycin). The package does not say how much powder to add per gallon of water - does anyone have experience with this medication, and how much to add to the chickens' drinking water? I use one gallon waterers. Thank you!
  16. vonchick

    wheezing hen

    My 6 month old hen started wheezing and sneezing today. I've separated her from the flock. The feed store sold me Neovet 325 (neomycin) to put in her water, but I can't determine the correct amount of powder to use per gallon of water. The packet says to use one packet per every 7,150 lbs of...
  17. vonchick

    strange hen behavior

    Our silkie-cross hen is a little over a year old, and has started exhibiting worrisome behavior. "Zippy" was always an active hen, she mingled well with the flock, was one of the rooster's favorite mates and gave us a fairly steady supply of eggs. She stopped laying two months ago when we...
  18. vonchick

    Is this really a hen?

    I bought 2 black sex-link chicks at the feed store, both black, one with a white dot on it's head. The one with the dot grew into a beautiful barred cockerel, the solid black one a black pullet. The black one has fought from the day we brought them home at 2 weeks of age, she fights with all of...
  19. vonchick

    What do I have????

    I was told that the golden bird was a silkie cross - but can anyone tell me what she might have been crossed with? Queenie is 12 to 14 weeks old and she is a very tiny chicken. Also, can I keep calling her "Queenie"? Or should the name be changed to "Kingie"? The gray birds were not supposed to...
  20. vonchick

    Roo or hen? And what breed is this.

    My Rhode Island Red is roughly 7 weeks old, is it too early to know if it's a girl or a boy? Is the curled tail a clue? This is the sweetest of the chicks and I really want it to be a hen! The grey chick is about 5 weeks old, and I have no idea as to the breed. We got two of these chicks from...
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